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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2P, 2R, S and T

PERIPTERSperipters n. Plural of peripter.
PERIPTER n. a structure with a row of columns around all sides.
PREPOSTORprepostor n. Alternative form of prepositor.
PREPOSTOR n. (Latin) the name used for a prefect in some English public schools, also PRAEPOSTOR, PREPOSITOR.
PREPRINTSpreprints n. Plural of preprint.
preprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preprint.
PREPRINT v. to print in advance.
PRESCRIPTprescript n. Something prescribed; a rule, regulation or dictate.
prescript n. (Obsolete) A medical prescription.
prescript adj. Directed; prescribed.
PROMPTERSprompters n. Plural of prompter.
PROMPTER n. one that prompts.
PROPERESTproperest adj. (Nonstandard) superlative form of proper: most proper.
PROPER adj. fitting.
PROSCRIPTproscript n. A proscription; a prohibition; an interdict.
proscript n. One who is proscribed.
PROSCRIPT n. a person who is proscribed.
STRAPPERSstrappers n. Plural of strapper.
STRAPPER n. an apprentice, a learner.
STRAPPIERstrappier adj. Comparative form of strappy: more strappy.
STRAPPY adj. having straps.
STRIPPERSstrippers n. Plural of stripper.
STRIPPER n. one who removes his or clothes for a living.
STROPPERSstroppers n. Plural of stropper.
STROPPER n. one who strops.
STROPPIERstroppier adj. Comparative form of stroppy: more stroppy.
STROPPY adj. (colloquial) touchy, belligerent.
SUPERPORTsuperport n. A large major port.
SUPERPORT n. a superior port.
SUPPORTERsupporter n. A person who gives support to someone or something.
supporter n. Something that supports another thing.
SUPPORTER n. a figure in heraldry depicted as holding up a shield.
TARPAPERStarpapers n. Plural of tarpaper.
tar␣papers n. Plural of tar paper.
TARPAPER n. a heavy paper coated with tar.
TRIPPLERSTRIPPLER n. (South African) a horse that tripples, proceeds at a pace between a walk and a trot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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