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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing P, R, 2S, T and X

ASPHYXIATORSasphyxiators n. Plural of asphyxiator.
ASPHYXIATOR n. one of who asphyxiates.
EXASPERATERSexasperaters n. Plural of exasperater.
EXASPERATER n. one who exasperates, also EXASPERATOR.
EXASPERATORSexasperators n. Plural of exasperator.
EXASPERATOR n. one who exasperates, also EXASPERATER.
EXOPARASITESexoparasites n. Plural of exoparasite.
EXOPARASITE n. a parasite, such as the flea, that lives on the outer surface of its host.
EXPERTNESSESexpertnesses n. Plural of expertness.
EXPERTNESS n. a possession of specific skills, also EXPERTISM.
EXPRESSIVITYexpressivity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being expressive.
expressivity n. (Genetics) The degree to which a gene affects or can affect an organism.
EXPRESSIVITY n. the relative capacity of a gene to affect the phenotype of the organism of which it is a part.
EXTEMPORISESextemporises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extemporise.
EXTEMPORISE v. to perform without preparation or practice; to improvise, also EXTEMPORIZE.
IDEOPRAXISTSideopraxists n. Plural of ideopraxist.
IDEOPRAXIST n. one who is impelled to carry out an idea.
INEXPERTNESSinexpertness n. Lack of expertise or skill.
INEXPERTNESS n. a lack of specific skills.
POSTEXERCISEpostexercise adj. That follows exercise (physical activity).
POSTEXERCISE adj. taking place after exercise.
POSTEXPOSUREpostexposure adj. After exposure (To radiation, pathogens, etc.).
POSTEXPOSURE adj. taking place after exposure.
SPECTATRIXESspectatrixes n. Plural of spectatrix.
SPECTATRIX n. a female spectator, also SPECTATRESS.
SPORTSPLEXESsportsplexes n. Plural of sportsplex.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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