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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing P, 3S and 2T

ANTISPASTSantispasts n. Plural of antispast.
ANTISPAST n. (Greek) a metrical foot comprising an iambus followed by a trochee.
AUTOPSISTSautopsists n. Plural of autopsist.
AUTOPSIST n. one who carries out an autopsy.
PASTELISTSpastelists n. Plural of pastelist.
PASTELIST n. an artist who works in pastel, also PASTELLIST.
PASTITSIOSpastitsios n. Plural of pastitsio.
PASTITSIO n. (Modern Greek) a dish of mincemeat and macaroni topped with bechamel sauce, also PASTITSO.
PATTRESSESpattresses n. Plural of pattress.
PATTRESS n. a container for the space behind electrical fittings such as power outlet sockets and light switches.
POSTURISTSposturists n. Plural of posturist.
POSTURIST n. one who postures, also POSTURER.
POUSSETTESpoussettes n. Plural of poussette.
POUSSETTE n. (French) a movement, or part of a figure, in the contradance.
PUTSCHISTSputschists n. Plural of putschist.
PUTSCHIST n. one who engages in a putsch.
SHORTSTOPSshortstops n. Plural of shortstop.
short␣stops n. Plural of short stop.
SHORTSTOP n. the player stationed in the field between the second and third bases.
SPIRITISTSspiritists n. Plural of spiritist.
Spiritists n. Plural of Spiritist.
SPIRITIST n. one who believes that nothing is real except the soul or spirit, also SPIRITUALIST.
SPLITTISMSSPLITTISM n. advocating the withdrawal of a group from a large centralized body.
SPLITTISTSsplittists n. Plural of splittist.
SPLITTIST n. one advocating the withdrawal of a group from a large centralized body.
SPORTSCASTsportscast n. The part of a news program reporting on sports and athletics.
SPORTSCAST n. a broadcast of a sporting event.
SPOTTINESSspottiness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being spotty.
spottiness n. (Countable) The result or product of being spotty.
SPOTTINESS n. the state of being spotty.
STAIRSTEPSstairsteps n. Plural of stairstep.
stairsteps adj. Having distinct evenly-spaced values, especially when arranged in order.
STAIRSTEP v. to carry out an exercise like stepping on a stair.
STEPSISTERstepsister n. The daughter of one’s stepparent who is not the daughter of either of one’s parents.
stepsister n. The stepdaughter of one’s parent which is not one’s half-sister.
step-sister n. Alternative form of stepsister.
STEPSTOOLSstepstools n. Plural of stepstool.
step␣stools n. Plural of step stool.
STEPSTOOL n. a stool able to be used as a step.
STERNPOSTSsternposts n. Plural of sternpost.
STERNPOST n. the main member at the stern of a ship extending from keel to deck.
SYNOPTISTSsynoptists n. Plural of synoptist.
SYNOPTIST n. one of the writers of the Synoptic Gospels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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