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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing P, 2R, 2T and U

CORRUPTESTcorruptest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of corrupt.
corruptest adj. Superlative form of corrupt: most corrupt.
CORRUPT adj. debased.
INTERRUPTSinterrupts n. Plural of interrupt.
interrupts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interrupt.
INTERRUPT v. to break in between.
OUTPORTERSOUTPORTER n. (Canadian) an inhabitant or native of a Newfoundland outport.
PARTITURASpartituras n. Plural of partitura.
PARTITURA n. (Italian) a score in music.
PARTURIENTparturient adj. In labour, about to give birth, or having recently given birth.
parturient adj. (By extension) About to create a new product, or float a new idea.
parturient adj. Of, related to, or caused by childbirth.
PERTURBANTperturbant n. Anything that causes perturbation.
PERTURBANT n. anything that perturbs.
PERTURBATEperturbate v. (Transitive, dated) To perturb.
PERTURBATE v. to perturb.
PIROUETTERpirouetter n. One who pirouettes.
PIROUETTER n. one who pirouettes.
POURTRAICTpourtraict n. Obsolete spelling of portrait.
POURTRAICT n. (obsolete) a portrait.
RAPTURISTSrapturists n. Plural of rapturist.
RAPTURIST n. an enthusiast.
REPETITEURrepetiteur n. (Music, theater) A tutor or coach of ballet dancers or opera singers.
REPETITEUR n. (French) a coach, tutor; one who rehearses opera singers.
SPLUTTERERsplutterer n. One who splutters.
SPLUTTERER n. one who splutters.
SPUTTERERSsputterers n. Plural of sputterer.
SPUTTERER n. one who sputters.
TRANSPUTERtransputer n. (Computing) A single chip with CPU, memory and communications capability, used in grids to form parallel…
TRANSPUTER n. a special computer chip able to process in parallel rather than sequentially.
TRIPTEROUStripterous adj. Having three wings or wing-like structures.
TRIPTEROUS adj. three-winged.
TRUMPETERStrumpeters n. Plural of trumpeter.
TRUMPETER n. one who plays the trumpet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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