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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2P, S and 2U

HUSHPUPPIEShushpuppies n. Plural of hushpuppy.
hush␣puppies n. Plural of hush puppy.
HUSHPUPPY n. a snack of deep-fried cornmeal bread.
PERSPICUOUSperspicuous adj. Clearly expressed, easy to understand; lucid.
perspicuous adj. (Logic) Of a language or notation, such as that of formal propositional calculus: where the process…
perspicuous adj. (Rare) Transparent; translucent.
PURPRESTUREpurpresture n. The unlawful personal appropriation of public lands; wrongful encroachment on, or enclosure of properties…
PURPRESTURE n. encroachment on public property.
SUPERGROUPSsupergroups n. Plural of supergroup.
SUPERGROUP n. a pop group made up of established solo artists.
SUPERPHYLUMsuperphylum n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category above phylum and below subkingdom.
SUPERPHYLUM n. a taxonomical division above phylum.
SUPERPLUSESsuperpluses n. Plural of superplus.
SUPERPLUS n. (obsolete) a surplus.
SUPPEDANEUMsuppedaneum n. A foot-support for a crucified person, projecting from the base of the cross.
suppedaneum n. The platform in front of the altar on which celebrating priest stands.
SUPPEDANEUM n. a support under the foot of a crucified person.
SUPPURATINGsuppurating v. Present participle of suppurate.
SUPPURATE v. to discharge pus.
SUPPURATIONsuppuration n. (Medicine) Decay in tissue producing pus, or the pus itself.
suppuration n. (Medicine) The act of suppurating.
SUPPURATION n. the discharge of pus.
SUPPURATIVEsuppurative adj. (Medicine, of a disease or medical condition) causing suppuration: producing, or causing the production of, pus.
suppurative n. A medicine that causes suppuration.
SUPPURATIVE adj. causing suppuration.
UNDERSUPPLYundersupply v. To provide with insufficient supplies; to supply inadequately.
undersupply n. An inadequate supply.
UNDERSUPPLY v. to supply too little.
UNSUPPORTEDunsupported adj. Without physical support.
unsupported adj. For which support or help is not available.
unsupported adj. Without confirmation from a credible source, without verifying support.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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