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There are 14 seven-letter words containing P, R, U and V

COVERUPcoverup n. Alternative spelling of cover-up.
cover-up n. An attempt to conceal or disguise something, especially a wrongdoing or a mistake.
cover-up n. An item of clothing to be worn over a swimsuit while not in the water.
OVERSUPoversup v. (Obsolete) To eat (supper) excessively.
OVERSUP v. to sup to excess.
PARVENUparvenu n. A person who has risen, climbed up, or has been promoted to a higher social class, especially through…
parvenu adj. Being a parvenu; also, like, having the characteristics of, or associated with a parvenu.
PARVENU n. (French) one that has suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the manner associated with it.
PAVIOURpaviour n. Alternative form of pavior.
PAVIOUR n. a person who lays paving-stones; a machine for tamping down paving-stones, also PAVER, PAVIOR.
PREVUEDprevued v. Simple past tense and past participle of prevue.
PREVUE v. (US) to preview, also PREVIEW.
PREVUESprevues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prevue.
PREVUE v. (US) to preview, also PREVIEW.
PULVERSpulvers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pulver.
PULVER v. to reduce to powder.
PURVEYSpurveys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of purvey.
PURVEY v. to supply.
PURVIEWpurview n. (Law) The enacting part of a statute.
purview n. (Law) The scope of a statute.
purview n. Scope or range of interest or control.
PYRUVICpyruvic adj. (Biochemistry) Of or pertaining to pyruvic acid or its derivatives.
PYRUVIC adj. as in pyruvic acid.
UPCURVEupcurve n. An upward curve.
upcurve v. To curve upwards.
UPCURVE v. to curve upward.
UPRIVERupriver adv. Towards the source of a river.
upriver adv. Against the current.
upriver adj. Towards the source of a river.
VAPOURSvapours n. Plural of vapour.
VAPOUR v. to turn into vapour, also VAPOR.
VAPOURYvapoury adj. Resembling or characteristic of vapour.
vapoury adj. (Archaic) Affected with the vapours; peevish.
VAPOURY adj. full of vapour; affected with the vapours, also VAPORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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