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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing 2P, R and Y

CRAPPYcrappy adj. (Chiefly North America, colloquial, mildly vulgar) Of very poor quality; unpleasant; distasteful.
crappy adj. (Chiefly North America, colloquial, mildly vulgar, especially with "feel") Bad, sick, or depressed.
crappy adj. (Chiefly North America, colloquial, mildly vulgar) Covered in crap (faeces/feces).
CROPPYcroppy n. (Historical, slang, derogatory) An Irish republican rebel.
CROPPY n. an Irish rebel of 1798.
DRAPPYDRAPPY n. (Scots) a little drop, esp. of spirits, also DRAPPIE.
DRIPPYdrippy adj. Dripping or tending to drip.
drippy adj. (Informal) Rainy.
drippy adj. (Informal) Maudlin; sentimental.
GRIPPYgrippy adj. Having a tight grip, or tending to grip well.
grippy adj. (Scotland) Tight-fisted, greedy, stingy.
grippy adj. Afflicted with, or relating to, grippe, or influenza.
GYPPERSorry, definition not available.
PAPERYpapery adj. Resembling or characteristic of paper.
PAPERY adj. resembling paper.
PAPYRIpapyri n. Plural of papyrus.
PAPYRUS n. (Latin) a parchment made from reeds.
PREPAYprepay v. To pay in advance, or beforehand.
PREPAY v. to pay in advance.
PREPPYpreppy adj. (US, often derogatory) Relating to things (such as clothing) that are typical of students at prep schools.
preppy n. (US) A student of a prep school.
PREPPY adj. denoting the style and behaviour of preparatory school students.
PROPYLpropyl n. (Organic chemistry) Either of two isomeric univalent hydrocarbon radicals, C3H7, formally derived from…
PROPYL n. a univalent radical regarded as the essential residue of propane and related compounds.
PURPLYpurply adj. Of or having somewhat of a purple color or hue.
PURPLY adj. purplish.
PYROPEpyrope n. (Mineralogy) A variety of garnet, of a poppy or blood-red color, frequently with a tinge of orange…
PYROPE n. (Greek) a fiery red gemstone, a variety of garnet, also PYROPUS.
RIPPLYripply adj. Having ripples.
RIPPLY adj. marked by ripples.
TRAPPYtrappy adj. Traplike, reminiscent of a trap.
trappy adj. (Horse riding) Of a gait, short, rapid and high-stepping.
trappy adj. (Chess) Of an opening, having many traps that can be played against opponents unfamiliar with the lines.
TRIPPYtrippy adj. (Informal) Strange, surreal, similar to the effects of a hallucinogen.
TRIPPY adj. suggesting a trip on psychedelic drugs.
YAPPERyapper n. (Slang) One’s mouth, especially of a gossipy person.
yapper n. One who yaps.
yapper n. (Slang) A dog, especially of a small breed.
YIPPERyipper n. One who makes a yipping sound.
yipper n. An auctioneer’s assistant who calls out to indicate that somebody has placed a bid.
YIPPER n. a golfer suffering from yips.
YOPPERyopper n. (Informal) A person employed under the Youth Opportunities Programme in Britain in the 1980s.
YOPPER n. a young person employed through a youth employment programme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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