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There are 8 five-letter words containing P, R, T and U

ERUPTerupt v. (Intransitive) To eject something violently (such as lava or water, as from a volcano or geyser).
erupt v. (Intransitive) To burst forth; to break out.
erupt v. (Intransitive, figuratively) To spontaneously release pressure or tension.
PRUNTprunt n. A small piece of glass fused to the main body of a piece of glasswork and then shaped or pressed, for decoration.
PRUNT n. a moulded glass ornament attached to a larger glass object.
PRUTApruta n. Alternative spelling of prutah.
PRUTA n. (Hebrew) a monetary unit of Israel, also PRUTAH.
PURTYpurty adj. (Informal) Pronunciation spelling of pretty.
purty adv. Pronunciation spelling of pretty.
PURTY adj. (US dialect) pretty.
SPURTspurt v. (Transitive) To cause to gush out suddenly or violently in a stream or jet.
spurt v. (Intransitive) To rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet.
spurt n. A brief gush, as of liquid spurting from an orifice or a cut/wound.
TRUMPtrump n. (Card games) The suit, in a game of cards, that outranks all others.
trump n. (Card games) A playing card of that suit.
trump n. (Figuratively) Something that gives one an advantage, especially one held in reserve.
TURPSturps n. (Informal) Turpentine or turpentine substitute.
turps n. (Slang, Australia, New Zealand) Any alcoholic drink.
TURPs n. Plural of TURP.
UPTERupter adj. (Australia, colloquial) Useless, no good.
UPTER adj. (Australian slang) of poor quality, also UPTA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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