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There are 20 seven-letter words containing P and 2Y

APHYLLYAPHYLLY n. absence of leaves.
ASPHYXYasphyxy n. (Medicine, obsolete) asphyxiation, typically resulting in death; asphyxia.
asphyxy v. Rare form of asphyxiate.
ASPHYXY v. to suffer defective aeration of the blood caused by failure of the oxygen supply, also ASPHYXIA.
BYPLAYSbyplays n. Plural of byplay.
by-plays n. Plural of by-play.
BYPLAY n. action subordinate to the main action, as in a play.
COPYBOYcopyboy n. Alternative form of copy boy.
copy␣boy n. (Publishing) A boy employed to carry copy and run errands.
COPYBOY n. an office boy.
EPIGYNYepigyny n. The state of being epigynous.
EPIGYNY n. the state of having floral organs on the ovary.
EPONYMYeponymy n. (Semantics) The semantic relation of eponyms; the quality of being eponymous.
EPONYMY n. the derivation of an eponymic name.
HYPONYMhyponym n. (Semantics) A more specific term; a subordinate grouping word or phrase; a term designating a subclass…
HYPONYM n. one of several terms subsumed under another.
KOPIYKYkopiyky n. Plural of kopiyka.
KOPIYKA n. a monetary unit of Ukraine, worth a hundredth part of a hryvna.
NYMPHLYnymphly adj. (Rare) Befitting a nymph.
NYMPHLY adj. resembling, or characteristic of, a nymph.
PAYABLYpayably adv. Of a mine etc.: so as to yield profit; profitably.
PAYABLE adv. able to be paid.
PAYDAYSpaydays n. Plural of payday.
pay␣days n. Plural of pay day.
PAYDAY n. the day on which wages are paid.
PLAYBOYplayboy n. A single man, especially a wealthy one, who devotes himself to a life of leisure and pleasure, often…
Playboy prop.n. A brand of adult magazines introduced in the United States.
Playboy n. A Playboy magazine.
PLAYDAYplayday n. A day given to play or diversion; a holiday.
PLAYDAY n. a holiday.
POLYNYApolynya n. (Hydrology, oceanography) A naturally formed transient area of open water surrounded by sea ice, especially…
POLYNYA n. (Russian) open water surrounded by sea ice, also POLYNIA.
POLYNYIpolynyi n. Plural of polynya.
POLYNYA n. (Russian) open water surrounded by sea ice, also POLYNIA.
PYSANKYpysanky n. Plural of pysanka.
PYSANKA n. (Russian) a hand-painted Ukrainian Easter Egg.
SPRAYEYsprayey adj. Full of spray.
sprayey adj. Branching.
SPRAYEY adj. full of spray.
SYNTYPEsyntype n. (Taxonomy) Any one of two or more specimens specified in the description of a species (or lower-order…
SYNTYPE n. each of a set of type specimens on which the name of a new species is based.
TYMPANYtympany n. The sound made by beating a drum.
tympany n. (Medicine) Tympanites (distention of the abdomen).
tympany n. Inflation; conceit; bombast; turgidness.
YUPPIFYyuppify v. (Often derogatory) To redevelop (an urban area or commercial premises) so as to attract affluent young…
YUPPIFY v. to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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