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There are 10 five-letter words containing P and 2U

CUTUPcutup n. Someone who cuts up; someone who acts boisterously or clownishly, for example, by playing practical jokes.
cutup n. (Literature) A work produced by the aleatory literary technique of cutting up and rearranging a written…
cut-up n. Alternative spelling of cutup.
LUPUSlupus n. (Pathology) Any of a number of autoimmune diseases, the most common of which is systemic lupus erythematosus.
Lupus prop.n. (Astronomy) A summer constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble a wolf. It lies south of the…
Lupus prop.n. A city and village in Missouri, United States.
PUDUSpudus n. Plural of pudu.
PUDU n. a very small deer, native of the Chilian Andes.
PUKUSpukus n. Plural of puku.
PUKU n. (Zulu) an antelope of central southern Africa, related to the waterbuck.
PULUSPULU n. (Hawaiian) a silky fibre obtained from the Hawaiian tree-fern.
PUPUSPUPU n. (Hawaiian) a dish of Asian foods served as an appetize.
QUIPUquipu n. A recording device, used by the Incas, consisting of intricate knotted cords.
QUIPU n. (Quechua) a device of knotted cords, used by Incas of Peru to calculate or order information, also QUIPO, QUIPPU.
SUNUPsunup n. (US) The time of day when the sun appears above the eastern horizon.
sunup n. (US) The change in color of the sky at sunup.
sun-up n. Alternative form of sunup.
UPRUNuprun v. (Transitive) To run up; ascend.
UPRUN v. to run up.
USURPusurp v. To seize power from another, usually by illegitimate means.
usurp v. To use and assume the coat of arms of another person.
usurp v. To take the place rightfully belonging to someone or something else.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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