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There are 14 three-letter words containing P and T

APTapt adj. Suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted; suited.
apt adj. (Of persons or things) Having a habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards.
apt adj. Ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn.
OPTopt v. (Intransitive) To choose; select.
oPt prop.n. Initialism of occupied Palestinian territories.
OPt prop.n. (Linguistics) Abbreviation of Old Portuguese.
PATpat n. The sound of a light slap or tap with a soft flat object, especially of a footstep.
pat n. A light tap or slap, especially with the hands.
pat n. A flattish lump of soft matter, especially butter or dung.
PETpet n. An animal kept as a companion.
pet n. (By extension) Something kept as a companion, including inanimate objects. (Pet rock, pet plant, etc.)
pet n. One who is excessively loyal to a superior and receives preferential treatment.
PHTpht interj. Used to signify mild annoyance or disagreement.
PHT interj. used as an expression of annoyance, also PHPHT.
PITpit n. A hole in the ground.
pit n. (Motor racing) An area at a racetrack used for refueling and repairing the vehicles during a race.
pit n. (Music) A section of the marching band containing mallet percussion instruments and other large percussion…
POTpot n. A flat-bottomed vessel (usually metal) used for cooking food.
pot n. Various similar open-topped vessels, particularly.
pot n. (Archaic except in place names) Pothole, sinkhole, vertical cave.
PSTpst interj. Alternative form of psst.
PST n. Initialism of Pacific Standard Time.
PST n. Initialism of Palestinian Standard Time.
PUTput v. To place something somewhere.
put v. To bring or set into a certain relation, state or condition.
put v. (Finance) To exercise a put option.
TAPtap n. A tapering cylindrical pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask.
tap n. A device used to dispense liquids.
tap n. Liquor drawn through a tap; hence, a certain kind or quality of liquor.
TIPtip n. The extreme end of something, especially when pointed; e.g. the sharp end of a pencil.
tip n. A piece of metal, fabric or other material used to cover the top of something for protection, utility or decoration.
tip n. (Music) The end of a bow of a stringed instrument that is not held.
TOPtop n. The highest or uppermost part of something.
top n. The near end of somewhere.
top n. A child’s spinning toy; a spinning top.
TUPtup n. A male sheep, a ram.
tup n. The head of a hammer, and particularly of a steam-driven hammer.
tup v. To mate; used of a ram mating with a ewe.
TWPtwp n. Abbreviation of township.
twp n. (Wales) A fool.
twp adj. (Wales) Foolish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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