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There are 17 words containing O, 3R, 2T and 2U

AEROSTRUCTUREaerostructure n. Any component or subsystem of the airframe of an aircraft.
AEROSTRUCTURE n. any separately manufactured unit, component, or section of an aircraft or other vehicle capable of flight.
AEROSTRUCTURESaerostructures n. Plural of aerostructure.
AEROSTRUCTURE n. any separately manufactured unit, component, or section of an aircraft or other vehicle capable of flight.
ARBORICULTURISTarboriculturist n. A person who practices arboriculture; a tree surgeon.
ARBORICULTURIST n. one who practises arboriculture, the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
COUNTERCURRENTcountercurrent n. A current that flows against the prevailing one.
countercurrent adj. Running in an opposite direction.
COUNTERCURRENT n. a current flowing in a direction opposite that of another current.
COUNTERCURRENTScountercurrents n. Plural of countercurrent.
COUNTERCURRENT n. a current flowing in a direction opposite that of another current.
MACROSTRUCTURALmacrostructural adj. Relating to macrostructure.
MACROSTRUCTURAL adj. of or like a macrostructure.
MACROSTRUCTUREmacrostructure n. The gross structure of a material or tissue as visible to the unaided eye or at very low levels of magnification.
macrostructure n. (Metallurgy) The gross structure of a pure metal or alloy, as revealed by magnifications of 10X or less.
MACROSTRUCTURE n. the structure (as of metal, a body part, or the soil) revealed by visual examination with little or no magnification.
MACROSTRUCTURESmacrostructures n. Plural of macrostructure.
MACROSTRUCTURE n. the structure (as of metal, a body part, or the soil) revealed by visual examination with little or no magnification.
MICROSTRUCTURALmicrostructural adj. Relating to a microstructure.
MICROSTRUCTURAL adj. relating to microstructure.
MICROSTRUCTUREmicrostructure n. Fine-scale structure.
MICROSTRUCTURE n. the microscopic structure of a material, as a mineral or a biological cell.
MICROSTRUCTURESmicrostructures n. Plural of microstructure.
MICROSTRUCTURE n. the microscopic structure of a material, as a mineral or a biological cell.
OVERSTRUCTURESorry, definition not available.
OVERSTRUCTUREDoverstructured adj. Excessively structured.
OVERSTRUCTURED adj. excessively structured.
OVERSTRUCTURESSorry, definition not available.
OVERSTRUCTURINGSorry, definition not available.
RUPTUREWORTrupturewort n. A plant of the genus Herniaria, especially Herniaria glabra, formerly used in the treatment of hernia…
rupturewort n. A West Indian plant (Alternanthera polygonoides), somewhat resembling burstwort.
RUPTUREWORT n. a caryophyllaceous plant once thought to cure hernia.
RUPTUREWORTSruptureworts n. Plural of rupturewort.
RUPTUREWORT n. a caryophyllaceous plant once thought to cure hernia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 196 words
  • Scrabble in French: 54 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 35 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 132 words

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