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There are 12 words containing O, P, 2S, 2T, U and Y

AUDIOTYPISTSaudiotypists n. Plural of audiotypist.
audio-typists n. Plural of audio-typist.
audio␣typists n. Plural of audio typist.
DISPUTATIOUSLYdisputatiously adv. In a disputatious manner.
DISPUTATIOUS adv. inclined to dispute.
POLYUNSATURATESpolyunsaturates n. Plural of polyunsaturate.
POLYUNSATURATE n. a fat that is polyunsaturated.
POSTSTIMULATORYpoststimulatory adj. After stimulation.
POSTSTIMULATORY adj. following stimulation.
SPIRITUOSITYspirituosity n. The quality or state of being spirituous.
spirituosity n. Immateriality.
SPIRITUOSITY n. the state of being spirituous.
STEATOPYGOUSsteatopygous adj. (Physiology) Pertaining to steatopygia; having fat or prominent buttocks.
STEATOPYGOUS adj. having fat buttocks, also STEATOPYGIC.
SUBREPTITIOUSLYsubreptitiously adv. Obsolete form of surreptitiously.
SUBREPTITIOUS adv. fraudulently obtained; surreptitious.
SUMPTUOSITYsumptuosity n. Expensiveness; costliness; sumptuousness.
SUMPTUOSITY n. the quality of being sumptuous.
SUPERSTITIOUSLYsuperstitiously adv. In a superstitious manner.
SUPERSTITIOUS adv. relating to superstition.
SURREPTITIOUSLYsurreptitiously adv. In a surreptitious manner; stealthily, furtively, secretly.
SURREPTITIOUS adv. done by stealth.
TEMPESTUOUSLYtempestuously adv. In a tempestuous manner.
TEMPESTUOUS adv. of or like a tempest.
THYSANOPTEROUSthysanopterous adj. Of or pertaining to the Thysanoptera.
THYSANOPTEROUS adj. belonging to the Thysanoptera, an order of insects with fringed wings, some of which are serious pests to fruit, such as thrips.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 276 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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