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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 3O, 2P, R and 2S

APOGEOTROPISMSAPOGEOTROPISM n. bending up or away from the ground.
BIOPROSPECTORSbioprospectors n. Plural of bioprospector.
COSPONSORSHIPScosponsorships n. Plural of cosponsorship.
COSPONSORSHIP n. the state of being a cosponsor.
DISPROPORTIONSdisproportions n. Plural of disproportion.
DISPROPORTION v. to make out of proportion.
MISPROPORTIONSmisproportions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misproportion.
MISPROPORTION v. to proportion wrongly.
PAEDOMORPHOSESPAEDOMORPHOSIS n. retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters, also PAEDOMORPHISM.
PAEDOMORPHOSISpaedomorphosis n. Alternative form of pedomorphosis.
PAEDOMORPHOSIS n. retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters, also PAEDOMORPHISM.
PHOSPHOROLYSESphosphorolyses n. Plural of phosphorolysis.
PHOSPHOROLYSIS n. a reaction analogous to hydrolysis involving phosphoric acid.
PHOSPHOROLYSISphosphorolysis n. (Chemistry) Any reaction, akin to hydrolysis, in which a bond is broken by the action of phosphoric acid or phosphate.
PHOSPHOROLYSIS n. a reaction analogous to hydrolysis involving phosphoric acid.
PHOSPHOROSCOPEphosphoroscope n. (Physics, chemistry) Any of several devices used to measure phosphorescence, and to distinguish it from fluorescence.
PHOSPHOROSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the duration of phosphorescence after the source of radiation causing it has been removed.
PHOTOCOMPOSERSphotocomposers n. Plural of photocomposer.
PHOTOCOMPOSER n. one who photocomposes.
PROPORTIONLESSproportionless adj. Without proportion; unsymmetrical.
PROPORTIONLESS adj. without proportion.
PROSOPAGNOSIASprosopagnosias n. Plural of prosopagnosia.
PROSOPAGNOSIA n. inability to recognize familiar faces.
PSEUDOMORPHOUSpseudomorphous adj. Not having the true form.
PSEUDOMORPHOUS adj. of or like a pseudomorph, also PSEUDOMORPHIC.
PSEUDOSCORPIONpseudoscorpion n. An arachnid belonging to the order Pseudoscorpiones, also known as Pseudoscorpionida or Chelonethida.
PSEUDOSCORPION n. any of various small arachnids of the order Pseudoscorpiones, resembling a scorpion but tailless, and found in soil, leaf litter, bark, etc.
SIPHONOPHOROUSsiphonophorous adj. Of or relating to the siphonophores.
SIPHONOPHOROUS adj. of or like a siphonophore, a type of colonial hydrozoan.
SPORANGIOSPOREsporangiospore n. A spore produced by a sporangium (in many fungi, such as zygomycetes).
SPORANGIOSPORE n. a spore developed in a sporangium.
SPOROPOLLENINSsporopollenins n. Plural of sporopollenin.
SPOROPOLLENIN n. a polymer that comprises the exine (outer layer of the wall) of spores and pollen grains.
TROPHOTROPISMSTROPHOTROPISM n. direction of growth by nutritional factors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 28 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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