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There are 17 words containing O, 2R, S, T and 2W

STRAWWORMstrawworm n. The grub of the caddis fly.
STRAWWORM n. a caddice worm.
WARTWORTSwartworts n. Plural of wartwort.
WARTWORT n. a kind of spurge, the juice of which was thought to be a cure for warts.
STRAWWORMSstrawworms n. Plural of strawworm.
STRAWWORM n. a caddice worm.
WATERWORKSwaterworks n. The water supply system of a district, town, city, or other place, including reservoirs, pipes, and pumps.
waterworks n. (Treated as singular) Any single facility, such as a filtration plant or pumping station, within such a system.
waterworks n. (Figuratively).
WORRYWARTSworrywarts n. Plural of worrywart.
worry-warts n. Plural of worry-wart.
worry␣warts n. Plural of worry wart.
BURROWSTOWNburrowstown n. (Scotland, obsolete) A town that is a burgh.
BURROWSTOWN n. (Scots) a town that is a burgh.
STRAWFLOWERstrawflower n. Any of many Australian plants of the genus Xerochrysum, especially Xerochrysum bracteatum, having deep…
STRAWFLOWER n. any Australian composite flowering plant of the genus Helichrysum.
WATERPOWERSwaterpowers n. Plural of waterpower.
water␣powers n. Plural of water power.
WATERPOWER n. the power of water employed to move machinery.
BURROWSTOWNSburrowstowns n. Plural of burrowstown.
BURROWSTOWN n. (Scots) a town that is a burgh.
NEWSWORTHIERnewsworthier adj. Comparative form of newsworthy: more newsworthy.
NEWSWORTHY adj. interesting enough to the general public to warrant reporting.
STRAWFLOWERSstrawflowers n. Plural of strawflower.
STRAWFLOWER n. any Australian composite flowering plant of the genus Helichrysum.
WATERFOWLERSwaterfowlers n. Plural of waterfowler.
WATERFOWLER n. one who hunts waterfowl.
WORKWATCHERSWORKWATCHER n. in horse-racing, a tout.
NORTHWESTWARDnorthwestward adj. In or toward the northwest.
northwestward adv. Toward the northwest.
NORTHWESTWARD adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARDS.
NORTHWESTWARDSnorthwestwards adj. Northwestward.
northwestwards adv. Northwestward.
NORTHWESTWARDS adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARD.
NORTHWESTWARDLYnorthwestwardly adv. Towards the northwest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 192 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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