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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing O, 2P, 2R and 2T

ASTROPHOTOGRAPHastrophotograph n. Alternative form of astrophoto.
ASTROPHOTOGRAPH n. a photograph of a celestial body.
CRYOPRECIPITATEcryoprecipitate n. A frozen blood product prepared from plasma.
cryoprecipitate v. To precipitate at low temperatures.
CRYOPRECIPITATE n. a precipitate, e.g. from blood plasma, produced by freezing and thawing under controlled conditions.
CRYPTOGRAPHISTScryptographists n. Plural of cryptographist.
CRYPTOGRAPHIST n. one who studies cryptographs.
PARTICIPATORIESSorry, definition not available.
PROPORTIONALITYproportionality n. (Uncountable) the property of being proportional.
proportionality n. (Uncountable) the principle that government action ought to be proportional to the ends achieved (e…
proportionality n. (Countable) the degree to which something is in proportion.
PROPORTIONATELYproportionately adv. In a proportionate manner; with due proportion; proportionally.
PROPORTIONATE adv. in proportion.
PROPORTIONATINGproportionating v. Present participle of proportionate.
PROPORTIONATE v. to make proportionate.
PROPORTIONMENTSproportionments n. Plural of proportionment.
PROPORTIONMENT n. the act of proportioning.
PROTOCERATOPSESSorry, definition not available.
PROTOSPATHAIRESPROTOSPATHAIRE n. (historical) the captain of the guards at Byzantium, also PROTOSPATAIRE, PROTOSPATHARIUS.
PROTOSPATHARIUSprotospatharius n. Alternative form of protospatharios.
PROTOSPATHARIUS n. (historical) the captain of the guards at Byzantium, also PROTOSPATAIRE, PROTOSPATHAIRE.
PYRETOTHERAPIESPYRETOTHERAPY n. medical treatment by causing fever.
PYROPHOTOMETERSPYROPHOTOMETER n. a type of pyrometer in which the temperature of an incandescent body is determined by photometric measurement of the light it emits.
REAPPORTIONMENTreapportionment n. The act of reapportioning; a second or subsequent apportionment.
reapportionment n. (US, politics) Reassignment of representation in a legislature, especially of U.S. House of Representative…
REAPPORTIONMENT n. the act of reapportioning.
STREPTOCARPUSESstreptocarpuses n. Plural of streptocarpus.
STREPTOCARPUS n. any flowering plant of the Cape primrose genus Streptocarpus, with foxglove-like flowers.
SUPERPATRIOTISMsuperpatriotism n. Extreme patriotism.
SUPERPATRIOTISM n. extreme patriotism.
UNPROPORTIONATEunproportionate adj. Not proportionate; disproportionate.
UNPROPORTIONATE adj. not proportionate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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