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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing O, R, 2S, T, U and V

AUTOREVERSESAUTOREVERSE n. a system in a tape player that automatically reverses the tape and plays another track when one track has finished.
DISAVENTROUSDISAVENTROUS adj. (Spenser) unfortunate.
EAVESTROUGHSeavestroughs n. Plural of eavestrough.
eaves␣troughs n. Plural of eaves trough.
EAVESTROUGH n. (Canadian) a gutter at the eaves of a building.
FAVOURITISMSfavouritisms n. Plural of favouritism.
FAVOURITISM n. the state of having favourites.
MISVENTUROUSmisventurous adj. (Obsolete) Subject to misventure; unfortunate.
misventurous adj. (Obsolete) Not adventurous; timid.
MISVENTUROUS adj. like a misventure.
OBSTRUCTIVESobstructives n. Plural of obstructive.
OBSTRUCTIVE n. a hindrance.
OVERUTILISESOVERUTILISE v. to utilise excessively, also OVERUTILIZE.
RETROVIRUSESretroviruses n. Plural of retrovirus.
RETROVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses whose genetic material is encoded in the form of RNA rather than DNA.
SEMIVITREOUSsemivitreous adj. Partially vitreous.
SEMIVITREOUS adj. partially vitreous.
SUPEROCTAVESsuperoctaves n. Plural of superoctave.
SUPEROCTAVE n. an organ coupler giving an octave higher; an organ stop two octaves above the basic pitch.
VIRTUOSITIESvirtuosities n. Plural of virtuosity.
VIRTUOSITY n. exceptional technical skill in music or other fine art.
VIRTUOSOSHIPvirtuosoship n. The status, pursuits, or occupation of a virtuoso.
VIRTUOSOSHIP n. being a virtuoso.
VIRTUOUSNESSvirtuousness n. The state of being virtuous.
VIRTUOUSNESS n. the state of being virtuous.
VITREOUSNESSvitreousness n. The quality or state of being vitreous.
VITREOUSNESS n. the state of being vitreous.
VOLUNTARISMSvoluntarisms n. Plural of voluntarism.
VOLUNTARISM n. the philosophical doctrine that the will dominates the intellect.
VOLUNTARISTSvoluntarists n. Plural of voluntarist.
VOLUNTARIST n. an adherent of voluntarism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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