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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing O, 2R, 2S and 2U

BRONTOSAURUSbrontosaurus n. One of the largest land animals to ever walk the earth; a Brontosaurus.
Brontosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diplodocidae – certain large long-necked sauropods; formerly merged…
BRONTOSAURUS n. any of a genus of large sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic, also BRONTOSAUR.
BURSERACEOUSburseraceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Burseraceae.
BURSERACEOUS adj. belonging to a genus of tropical plants related to the rue family.
COELUROSAURScoelurosaurs n. Plural of coelurosaur.
COELUROSAUR n. a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.
GROUNDBURSTSgroundbursts n. Plural of groundburst.
GROUNDBURST n. the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground level.
OUTERCOURSESOUTERCOURSE n. sexual activity without vaginal or anal penetration.
SCURRILOUSLYscurrilously adv. In a scurrilous manner.
SCURRILOUS adv. using or given to coarse language.
SUDORIFEROUSsudoriferous adj. Bearing sweat; sweating, sweaty.
SUDORIFEROUS adj. inducing or secreting sweat.
SUDORIPAROUSsudoriparous adj. Sudoriferous.
SUDORIPAROUS adj. secreting sweat.
SULPHURATORSsulphurators n. Plural of sulphurator.
SULPHURATOR n. a device for sulphurating.
SULPHURWORTSsulphurworts n. Plural of sulphurwort.
SULPHURWORT n. an umbelliferous plant akin to parsnip, with yellow flowers and juice.
SUPERSURGEONsupersurgeon n. An exceptionally talented or successful surgeon.
SUPERSURGEON n. an exceptional surgeon.
SURROUNDINGSsurroundings n. Plural of surrounding.
surroundings n. The area surrounding someone or something, together with the objects and circumstances in the vicinity;…
surroundings n. (Physics) All parts of the universe that are not within the thermodynamic system of interest.
SUSURRATIONSsusurrations n. Plural of susurration.
SUSURRATION n. whispering, murmuring, or rustling.
ULTRASERIOUSultraserious adj. Extremely serious.
ULTRASERIOUS adj. extremely serious.
UNPROSPEROUSunprosperous adj. Not prosperous.
UNPROSPEROUS adj. not prosperous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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