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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2O, 2S, T and 2U

BRONTOSAURUSbrontosaurus n. One of the largest land animals to ever walk the earth; a Brontosaurus.
Brontosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diplodocidae – certain large long-necked sauropods; formerly merged…
BRONTOSAURUS n. any of a genus of large sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic, also BRONTOSAUR.
CUSTOMHOUSEScustomhouses n. Plural of customhouse.
custom␣houses n. Plural of custom house.
CUSTOMHOUSE n. an office or residence for customs officials, also CUSTOMSHOUSE.
CUSTOMSHOUSEcustomshouse n. Alternative form of custom house.
customs␣house n. Alternative form of custom house.
CUSTOMSHOUSE n. an office or residence for customs officials, also CUSTOMHOUSE.
DISCOURTEOUSdiscourteous adj. Impolite; lacking consideration for others.
DISCOURTEOUS adj. lacking courtesy, also DISCOURTEISE.
OBSTROPULOUSobstropulous adj. (UK, obsolete, slang) Synonym of obstreperous.
OBSTROPULOUS adj. (colloquial) noisy, unruly, also OBSTREPEROUS, OBSTROPALOUS.
OUTERCOURSESOUTERCOURSE n. sexual activity without vaginal or anal penetration.
OUTSOURCINGSoutsourcings n. Plural of outsourcing.
OUTSOURCING n. the act of sourcing work from outside a company.
POSTHUMOUSLYposthumously adv. After death.
post-humously adv. Alternative spelling of posthumously.
POSTHUMOUS adv. taking place after death.
ROBUSTIOUSLYrobustiously adv. In a robustious manner.
ROBUSTIOUS adv. boisterous.
SOLITUDINOUSsolitudinous adj. Characterised by solitude.
SOLITUDINOUS adj. related to solitude.
SUPPOSITIOUSsuppositious adj. Spurious; substituted for the genuine, counterfeit; fake; supposititious.
suppositious adj. Imaginary; fictitious, pretended to exist.
suppositious adj. Hypothetical, based on supposition; suppositional.
TORTUOUSNESStortuousness n. The property of being tortuous.
TORTUOUSNESS n. the state of being tortuous.
UNSOLICITOUSunsolicitous adj. Not solicitous.
UNSOLICITOUS adj. not solicitous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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