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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 3O, P, R and 2T

COMPOTATORScompotators n. Plural of compotator.
COMPOTATOR n. one who drinks with another.
COMPOTATORYcompotatory adj. Relating to compotation; drinking together.
COMPOTATORY adj. sharing in a compotation, carousing in company.
DIPROTODONTdiprotodont n. (Biology) Any marsupial of the order Diprotodontia.
DIPROTODONT n. any marsupial of the Diprotodontia, the suborder including kangaroos, wombats, etc., also DIPROTODON.
MOTORSPORTSmotorsports n. Plural of motorsport.
OCTOTHORPESoctothorpes n. Plural of octothorpe.
ORTHOPTERONorthopteron n. Alternative form of orthopteran.
ORTHOPTERON n. any member of the Orthoptera, an order of mandibulate insects, also ORTHOPTERAN.
ORTHOTROPICorthotropic adj. (Botany) Growing vertically, either upwards or downwards.
orthotropic adj. (Engineering) Having material properties that differ along three mutually orthogonal twofold axes of…
ORTHOTROPIC adj. growing along a vertical axis.
PHOTOTROPESPHOTOTROPE n. a substance exhibiting phototropism, movement directed by light.
PHOTOTROPHSphototrophs n. Plural of phototroph.
PHOTOTROPH n. a plant which uses light to generate energy needed to absorb nutrients.
PHOTOTROPICphototropic adj. Having a tendency to move in response to light. An animal or microbe that is positively phototropic…
PHOTOTROPIC adj. relating to phototropism, movement directed by light.
PROTOCOLISTprotocolist n. One who draws up protocols.
PROTOCOLIST n. a registrar or clerk.
PROTONATIONprotonation n. (Chemistry) The addition of a proton (hydrogen ion) to an atom, molecule or ion, normally to generate a cation.
PROTONATION n. the acquisition of an additional proton.
PROTONOTARYprotonotary n. Alternative spelling of prothonotary.
PROTONOTARY n. a court clerk; a chief clerk of any of various courts of law, also PROTHONOTARY.
PROTOSTOMESprotostomes n. Plural of protostome.
PROTOSTOME n. a major group of bilateral metazoan animals, that includes mollusks and annelids.
PROTOTROPHSprototrophs n. Plural of prototroph.
PROTOTROPH n. a bacterium feeding only on inorganic matter.
PROTOTROPHYprototrophy n. The condition of being a prototroph.
PROTOTROPHY n. the state of being prototrophic.
TROPHOZOITEtrophozoite n. A protozoan in the feeding stage of its life cycle.
TROPHOZOITE n. in Protozoa, the trophic phase of an adult.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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