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There are 17 words containing O, S, 2U, V and Y

UNSAVOURYunsavoury adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of unsavory.
UNSAVOURY adj. not savoury, also UNSAVORY.
VACUOUSLYvacuously adv. In a vacuous manner, lacking thought.
vacuously adv. (Logic) Because of being a vacuous truth.
VACUOUS adv. empty.
VIRTUOUSLYvirtuously adv. In a virtuous manner.
VIRTUOUS adv. characterized by virtue, also VERTUOUS.
UNSAVOURILYunsavourily adv. In an unsavoury manner.
UNSAVOURY adv. not savoury, also UNSAVORY.
VENTUROUSLYventurously adv. In a venturous manner; daringly; in a fashion displaying boldness, or an enterprising spirit.
VENTUROUS adv. venturesome; adventurous, also VENTROUS.
CURVACEOUSLYcurvaceously adv. In a curvaceous way.
CURVACEOUS adv. pleasingly curved, also CURVACIOUS.
UNVIRTUOUSLYunvirtuously adv. In an unvirtuous manner.
UNVIRTUOUS adv. not virtuous.
VOLUMINOUSLYvoluminously adv. In a voluminous manner.
VOLUMINOUS adv. bulky, filling much space.
VOLUPTUOSITYvoluptuosity n. Voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOSITY n. (obsolete) voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOUSLYvoluptuously adv. In a voluptuous manner.
VOLUPTUOUS adv. given up to luxury; sensuous.
ADVENTUROUSLYadventurously adv. In an adventurous manner.
ADVENTUROUS adv. disposed to seek adventure.
AUDIOVISUALLYaudiovisually adv. In an audiovisual way; through sound and image.
AUDIOVISUAL adv. relating to hearing and sight.
UNOBTRUSIVELYunobtrusively adv. In an unobtrusive manner; in a manner that is not noticeable or blatant.
UNOBTRUSIVE adv. not obtrusive, also INOBTRUSIVE.
OVERCAUTIOUSLYovercautiously adv. In an overcautious way.
OVERCAUTIOUS adv. excessively cautious.
UNCHIVALROUSLYunchivalrously adv. In an unchivalrous manner; without chivalry.
UNCHIVALROUS adv. not chivalrous.
UNADVENTUROUSLYunadventurously adv. In an unadventurous way.
UNADVENTUROUS adv. not adventurous, also UNADVENTROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 148 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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