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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing O, 2P, 2R and S

APPROVERSapprovers n. Plural of approver.
APPROVER n. one that approves.
OPPRESSORoppressor n. Someone who oppresses another or others.
OPPRESSOR n. one that oppresses.
PARADROPSparadrops n. Plural of paradrop.
paradrops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of paradrop.
PARADROP v. to deliver by parachute.
PREPOSTORprepostor n. Alternative form of prepositor.
PREPOSTOR n. (Latin) the name used for a prefect in some English public schools, also PRAEPOSTOR, PREPOSITOR.
PRIORSHIPpriorship n. The state or office of prior; a priorate.
PRIORSHIP n. the state or office of prior, also PRIORATE.
PROMPTERSprompters n. Plural of prompter.
PROMPTER n. one that prompts.
PROPERESTproperest adj. (Nonstandard) superlative form of proper: most proper.
PROPER adj. fitting.
PROPOSERSproposers n. Plural of proposer.
PROPOSER n. one that proposes.
PROPULSORpropulsor n. (Chiefly aeronautics) A propellor enclosed in a short cylinder, that can typically be swivelled to change…
PROPULSOR n. something which propels.
PROSCRIPTproscript n. A proscription; a prohibition; an interdict.
proscript n. One who is proscribed.
PROSCRIPT n. a person who is proscribed.
PROSPEREDprospered v. Simple past tense and past participle of prosper.
PROSPER v. to be successful.
REPURPOSErepurpose v. To reuse for a different purpose, on a long-term basis, without alteration.
repurpose v. To alter to make more suited for a different purpose.
REPURPOSE v. to purpose anew.
SPOROCARPsporocarp n. (Mycology) The structure on a fungus and some algae which houses the spore-producing organs.
SPOROCARP n. a closed body or conceptacle containing one or more masses of spores or sporangia.
STROPPERSstroppers n. Plural of stropper.
STROPPER n. one who strops.
STROPPIERstroppier adj. Comparative form of stroppy: more stroppy.
STROPPY adj. (colloquial) touchy, belligerent.
SUPERPORTsuperport n. A large major port.
SUPERPORT n. a superior port.
SUPERPROSsuperpros n. Plural of superpro.
SUPERPRO n. a superior professional.
SUPPORTERsupporter n. A person who gives support to someone or something.
supporter n. Something that supports another thing.
SUPPORTER n. a figure in heraldry depicted as holding up a shield.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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