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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 3O, 2S and T

BOSTHOONSBOSTHOON n. (Irish) a boor.
DOORPOSTSdoorposts n. Plural of doorpost.
DOORPOST n. one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe, also DOORJAMB.
DOORSTOPSdoorstops n. Plural of doorstop.
DOORSTOP n. an object used for holding open a door.
FOOTPOSTSfootposts n. Plural of footpost.
FOOTPOST n. a messenger who travels on foot.
FOOTSLOGSfootslogs n. Plural of footslog.
footslogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of footslog.
FOOTSLOG v. to march or tramp.
MOONSHOTSmoonshots n. Plural of moonshot.
moon␣shots n. Plural of moon shot.
MOONSHOT n. the launching of a spacecraft to the moon.
MOTOCROSSmotocross n. (Sports, motorcycling) A form of off-road motorbike racing.
motocross n. (Sports, motorcycling) An event where such racing takes place.
moto-cross n. A sport involving the off-road racing of motorcycles.
OFFSHOOTSoffshoots n. Plural of offshoot.
OFFSHOOT n. a lateral shoot from a main stem.
OOLOGISTSoologists n. Plural of oologist.
oölogists n. Plural of oölogist.
OOLOGIST n. an expert in oology.
OTOSCOPESotoscopes n. Plural of otoscope.
OTOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the ear.
OUTSCOOPSoutscoops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outscoop.
OUTSCOOP v. to surpass in scooping.
OUTSHOOTSoutshoots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outshoot.
OUTSHOOT v. to surpass in shooting.
ROSEROOTSroseroots n. Plural of roseroot.
ROSEROOT n. a fleshy-leaved herb, so called because the roots have the odor of roses.
SHOOTOUTSshootouts n. Plural of shootout.
shoot-outs n. Plural of shoot-out.
shoot␣outs n. Plural of shoot out.
SNOWBOOTSsnowboots n. Plural of snowboot.
SNOWBOOT n. a boot for walking in snow.
SOAPROOTSsoaproots n. Plural of soaproot.
SOAPROOT n. any plant whose root can be used for soap.
SOFTGOODSsoftgoods n. Soft products manufactured from textiles, such as clothes, mats, curtains, and cushions.
SOFTGOODS n. clothing and soft furniture.
SOFTWOODSsoftwoods n. Plural of softwood.
SOFTWOOD n. the soft wood of various trees.
SPONTOONSspontoons n. Plural of spontoon.
SPONTOON n. a small-headed halberd formerly carried by some infantry officers.
VOORSKOTSVOORSKOT n. (South African) advance payment made to a farmer for crops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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