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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 3O, R, S and U

HOUSEROOMhouseroom n. (Uncountable) Room or place in a house.
houseroom n. (Countable) A room dedicated for the use of a particular house at a boarding school.
HOUSEROOM n. room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
INODOROUSinodorous adj. (Archaic) Odourless.
INODOROUS adj. emitting no odor.
NONPOROUSnonporous adj. Having no pores, not penetrable, impervious.
NONPOROUS adj. not porous.
NOTORIOUSnotorious adj. Senses with an unfavourable connotation.
notorious adj. Senses with a favourable or neutral connotation.
notorious adv. (Obsolete) Synonym of notoriously.
ODOROUSLYodorously adv. In an odorous manner.
ODOROUS adv. having an odor.
OOSPOROUSOOSPOROUS adj. of or pertaining to an oospore, a special kind of spore resulting from the fertilization of an oosphere by antherozoids, also OOSPORIC.
OUROBOROSouroboros n. (Mythology) A serpent, dragon or worm that eats its own tail, a representation of the continuous cycle…
ouroboros n. (By extension) Anything of a circular or recursive nature.
OUROBOROS n. (Greek) a snake eating its own tail, symbolizing totality or completion, also UROBOROS.
OUROSCOPYouroscopy n. Obsolete form of uroscopy.
OUROSCOPY n. the diagnosis of diseases by inspection of urine, also UROSCOPY.
OUTDOORSYoutdoorsy adj. (Informal) Associated with the outdoors, or suited to outdoor life.
outdoorsy adj. (Informal) Fond of the outdoors.
OUTDOORSY adj. (colloq.) of an outdoors inclination.
POORHOUSEpoorhouse n. A charitable institution where poor or homeless people are lodged.
poorhouse n. A workhouse.
poor␣house n. Alternative form of poorhouse.
SOURWOODSsourwoods n. Plural of sourwood.
SOURWOOD n. the sorrel tree.
UROPODOUSUROPODOUS adj. of or pertaining to a uropod, any one of the abdominal appendages of a crustacean.
ZOOPHORUSzoophorus n. (Architecture) The frieze of a column, especially one decorated with animals.
ZOOPHORUS n. (Greek) a continuous frieze in relief, with people and animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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