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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 3O, P, R and Z

COPROZOICcoprozoic adj. (Zoology) Capable of living in deposits of feces.
COPROZOIC adj. living in dung.
PROTOZOALprotozoal adj. Protozoan.
PROTOZOAL adj. of or pertaining to the Protozoa.
PROTOZOANprotozoan n. (Cytology) Any of the diverse group of eukaryotes, of the phylum Protozoa, that are primarily unicellular…
protozoan adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a protozoan.
PROTOZOAN n. any member of the Protozoa, also PROTOZOON.
PROTOZOICprotozoic adj. Of or relating to the protozoa.
PROTOZOIC adj. of or pertaining to the protozoa.
PROTOZOONprotozoon n. (Cytology) A protozoan.
PROTOZOON n. any member of the Protozoa, also PROTOZOAN.
SPOROZOALSPOROZOAL adj. related to sporozoa, also SPOROZOIC.
SPOROZOANsporozoan n. Any of many parasitic protozoans, of the class Sporozoa, that reproduce alternately sexually and asexually…
SPOROZOAN n. any parasitic protozoan of the class Sporozoa, including the causal organisms of malaria and pebrine, also SPOROZOON.
SPOROZOICSPOROZOIC adj. related to sporozoa, also SPOROZOAL.
SPOROZOONSPOROZOON n. a parasitic one-celled animal.
ZOOMORPHSzoomorphs n. Plural of zoomorph.
ZOOMORPH n. (Greek) a God symbol with an animal form.
ZOOMORPHYzoomorphy n. The quality of being zoomorphic.
ZOOMORPHY n. the conception of a god or man in animal form, also ZOOMORPHISM.
ZOOPHORICzoophoric adj. (Architecture) Bearing or supporting the figure of an animal.
ZOOPHORIC adj. bearing or supporting the figure of an animal; as, a zoophoric column.
ZOOPHORUSzoophorus n. (Architecture) The frieze of a column, especially one decorated with animals.
ZOOPHORUS n. (Greek) a continuous frieze in relief, with people and animals.
ZOOSPORESzoospores n. Plural of zoospore.
zoöspores n. Plural of zoöspore.
ZOOSPORE n. a motile flagellated spore, occurring in certain algae, fungi, and protozoans.
ZOOSPORICzoosporic adj. Having or pertaining to zoospores.
ZOOSPORIC adj. of or pertaining to zoospores.
ZOOTROPESzootropes n. Plural of zootrope.
ZOOTROPE n. (Greek) a slotted rotating cylinder producing primitive animation, also ZOETROPE.
ZOOTROPHYZOOTROPHY n. the feeding of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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