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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing O, P, 3S and U

ESPOUSESespouses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of espouse.
ESPOUSE v. to make a mutual promise of marriage.
FUSSPOTSfusspots n. Plural of fusspot.
fusspots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fusspot.
FUSSPOT n. a fussy person.
OPOSSUMSopossums n. Plural of opossum.
OPOSSUM n. (Native American) any of various small or medium-sized marsupial mammals, mostly arboreal.
PASSOUTSpassouts n. Plural of passout.
pass-outs n. Plural of pass-out.
PASSOUT n. in ice hockey, a pass by an attacking player from behind the opposition goal line.
POSEUSESposeuses n. Plural of poseuse.
POSEUSE n. (French) a female poseur.
POUSSIESPOUSSIE n. a familiar name for a cat, also PUSSY.
POUSSINSpoussins n. Plural of poussin.
POUSSIN n. (French) a chicken raised for eating at around six weeks old.
SOAPSUDSsoapsuds n. Alternative spelling of soap suds.
soap␣suds n. Lather, suds, foam produced by soap in water.
SOAPSUDS n. soapy water.
SOUPLESSsoupless adj. Without soup.
SOUPLESS adj. without soup.
SOURPUSSsourpuss n. (Informal) A person who is habitually gloomy, sullen or miserable; a grouch. A scowling person.
sour␣puss n. Alternative spelling of sourpuss.
SOURPUSS n. a grouchy person.
SOURSOPSsoursops n. Plural of soursop.
SOURSOP n. a West Indian tree of the Anona species; its large, sour, pulpy fruit.
SPOUSALSspousals n. Plural of spousal.
SPOUSAL n. the state of being married, also ESPOUSAL.
SUNSPOTSsunspots n. Plural of sunspot.
sun␣spots n. Plural of sun spot.
SUNSPOT n. a dark spot on the surface of the sun.
SUPPOSESsupposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suppose.
SUPPOSE v. to assume to be true.
UPTOSSESuptosses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uptoss.
uptosses n. Plural of uptoss.
UPTOSS v. to toss upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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