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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2O, P, T and 2Y

CRYPTONYMOUScryptonymous adj. Relating to, or published under, a cryptonym.
CRYPTONYMOUS adj. like a cryptonym, a secret name.
DACTYLOSCOPYdactyloscopy n. The forensic analysis and comparison of fingerprints as a means of identification of individuals.
DACTYLOSCOPY n. the comparison of fingerprints for purpose of identification.
EPIPHYTOLOGYepiphytology n. Study of epiphytes and their ecology.
EPIPHYTOLOGY n. the study of epiphytes.
HYDROPHYTONSHYDROPHYTON n. the coenosarc of a hydroid colony.
HYDROPHYTOUShydrophytous adj. Relating to hydrophytes.
hydrophytous adj. Relating to hydrophytons.
HYDROPHYTOUS adj. like a hydrophyte, also HYDROPHYTIC.
HYPOCOTYLOUSHYPOCOTYLOUS adj. of or like a hypocotyl, the stem of a plant below the cotyledons.
HYPOTHYROIDSHYPOTHYROID n. someone suffering from hypothyroidism.
HYPOTONICITYhypotonicity n. The quality of being hypotonic.
HYPOTONICITY n. the state of being hypotonic.
HYSTEROSCOPYhysteroscopy n. (Medicine) The examination of the uterus using a hysteroscope.
PHARYNGOTOMYpharyngotomy n. (Surgery) The operation of making an incision into the pharynx, to remove a tumour or anything that…
pharyngotomy n. Scarification or incision of the tonsils.
PHARYNGOTOMY n. the surgical removal of the pharynx.
POLYMYOSITISpolymyositis n. (Medicine) An inflammatory disease affecting multiple muscles.
POLYMYOSITIS n. inflammation of several muscles at the same time.
POLYPHYODONTpolyphyodont n. Any animal whose teeth are continuously replaced.
POLYPHYODONT adj. having more than two successive dentitions.
POLYSYNDETONpolysyndeton n. (Rhetoric) The use of many conjunctions to achieve an overwhelming effect in a sentence.
POLYSYNDETON n. the rhetorical device of repeating a conjunction for emphasis, as in 'it was red and yellow and pink and orange and blue!'.
POLYTONALITYpolytonality n. (Music) The use of multiple keys in the same composition, especially by multiple instruments at the same time.
POLYTONALITY n. two or more tonalities in a composition.
SYMPTOMOLOGYsymptomology n. (Informal) symptomatology.
SYMPTOMOLOGY n. the science of symptoms.
WOODBURYTYPEWoodburytype n. (Uncountable) A photomechanical printing process in which a relief pattern in gelatin is hardened and…
Woodburytype n. (Countable) A print of this kind.
WOODBURYTYPE n. (tradename) a photomechanical process in which an exposed and developed bichromated film is forced into a metal plate by great pressure, and so forms a matrix for subsequent printing.
ZOOPHYTOLOGYzoophytology n. The natural history of zoophytes.
zoöphytology n. Archaic spelling of zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGY n. the study of zoophytes, plantlike animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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