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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing 4O and 2S

COLONOSCOPEScolonoscopes n. Plural of colonoscope.
COLONOSCOPE n. a flexible viewing instrument passed into the colon through the anus.
NONPOISONOUSnonpoisonous adj. Not poisonous.
non-poisonous adj. Alternative spelling of nonpoisonous.
NONPOISONOUS adj. not poisonous.
OPISTHODOMOSopisthodomos n. (Greek architecture) A porch at the rear of a temple, set against the blank back wall of the cella.
OPISTHODOMOS n. (Greek) a portico or apartment at the back of an ancient Greek or Roman temple.
OPISTHOTONOSopisthotonos n. (Medicine) Sustained tetanic spasm in which the body is bent backwards and stiffened, as produced by various diseases.
OPISTHOTONOS n. extreme arching backwards of the spine and neck as a result of spasm of the muscles in that region, etc.
OSTEOPOROSESosteoporoses n. Plural of osteoporosis.
OSTEOPOROSIS n. development of a porous structure in bone due to loss of calcium, resulting in brittleness.
OSTEOPOROSISosteoporosis n. (Pathology) A disease, occurring especially in women following menopause, in which the bones become…
OSTEOPOROSIS n. development of a porous structure in bone due to loss of calcium, resulting in brittleness.
PODOCONIOSESPODOCONIOSIS n. endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs.
PODOCONIOSISpodoconiosis n. (Pathology) An endemic form of nonfilarial elephantiasis.
PODOCONIOSIS n. endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs.
SPOROPHOROUSsporophorous adj. Relating to sporophores.
sporophorous adj. Having spores.
SPOROPHOROUS adj. bearing spores, also SPOROPHORIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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