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There are 19 ten-letter words containing O, P, R, T and 2U

EUPATORIUMeupatorium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Eupatorium of perennial herbs.
Eupatorium prop.n. (Sensu stricto) A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – bonesets, thoroughworts, and snakeroots.
Eupatorium prop.n. (Sensu lato) A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – all of Eupatorium sensu stricto and more…
MULTIGROUPmultigroup adj. Of or pertaining to more than one group.
MULTIGROUP adj. comprising many groups.
OUTPOURERSoutpourers n. Plural of outpourer.
OUTPOURER n. one who pours out.
OUTPOURINGoutpouring n. The sudden outward flowing of a large amount of something.
OUTPOURING n. the act of outpouring.
OUTPRODUCEoutproduce v. (Transitive) To produce more than.
OUTPRODUCE v. to surpass in production.
OUTPURSUEDOUTPURSUE v. to pursue further than.
OUTPURSUESOUTPURSUE v. to pursue further than.
OUTTRUMPEDouttrumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of outtrump.
OUTTRUMP v. to surpass in trumping.
PULTRUSIONpultrusion n. A continuous process for manufacture of composite materials with constant cross section.
PULTRUSION n. a process for producing reinforced plastic products.
PUNCTUATORpunctuator n. One who punctuates, as in writing.
PUNCTUATOR n. one who punctuates, as in writing.
SPIRITUOUSspirituous adj. Of, pertaining to, containing, or made using alcohol.
spirituous adj. (Of an alcoholic drink) Distilled.
SPIRITUOUS adj. alcoholic.
STROPHULUSstrophulus n. (Medicine) An eruption of red pimples upon the face, neck, and arms, in early infancy; tooth rash; red-gum.
STROPHULUS n. a skin inflammation found primarily on small children.
SUBPRODUCTsubproduct n. Byproduct.
SUBPRODUCT n. a subsidiary product.
SUPERSCOUTsuperscout n. (Informal) An exceptionally talented or successful scout (one who seeks out potential talent for a sports team).
SUPERSCOUT n. a superlative scout.
THROUGHPUTthroughput n. (Networking) The rate at which data is transferred through a system.
throughput n. (Operations) The rate of production; the rate at which something can be processed.
throughput n. (Optics) Synonym of etendue.
USURPATIONusurpation n. The wrongful seizure of something by force, especially of sovereignty or other authority.
usurpation n. Trespass onto another’s property without permission.
usurpation n. A taking or use without right.
USURPATORYusurpatory adj. Tending to usurp.
usurpatory adj. Of or resulting from usurpation.
USURPATORY adj. marked by usurpation; usurping.
VOLUPTUARYvoluptuary n. One whose life is devoted to sensual appetites; a pleasure-seeker, a sensualist.
voluptuary adj. Of or relating to the seeking of sensual pleasure.
VOLUPTUARY n. a sensualist; a person fond of luxury.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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