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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2O, R and 3T

AUTOROTATEautorotate v. (Intransitive) To undergo autorotation.
AUTOROTATE v. to self-turn.
BITTERROOTbitterroot n. Lewisia rediviva, a small, low, pink flower with a yellow center.
bitterroot n. Apocynum androsaemifolium (fly-trap dogbane).
bitterroot n. Gentiana lutea (great yellow gentian, bitterwort).
DOGTROTTEDdogtrotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of dogtrot.
DOGTROT v. to move at a steady trot.
FOXTROTTEDfoxtrotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of foxtrot.
FOXTROT v. to dance in a particular way with a partner.
JOGTROTTEDjogtrotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of jogtrot.
JOGTROT v. to move at a slow trot.
ORTHOPTISTorthoptist n. One who practices orthoptics.
ORTHOPTIST n. one who practises orthoptics, the science of correct vision.
ORTHOTISTSorthotists n. Plural of orthotist.
ORTHOTIST n. one skilled in orthotics.
OUTTROTTEDouttrotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outtrot.
OUTTROT v. to surpass in trotting.
PROTOCTISTprotoctist n. Any of several unicellular protists of the kingdom Protista (formerly Protoctista).
protoctist adj. Of or pertaining to these organisms.
PROTOCTIST n. any unicellular or simple multicellular organism belonging to the kingdom Protoctista, which includes protozoans, algae, and slime moulds.
PUTTYROOTSputtyroots n. Plural of puttyroot.
PUTTYROOT n. an American orchidaceous plant which flowers in early summer.
TETROTOXINTETROTOXIN n. a deadly nerve poison found in a species of Japanese puffer fish, also TETRODOTOXIN.
THROATWORTthroatwort n. A plant, Campanula trachelium, with a throat-shaped corolla, once considered a remedy for sore throats.
THROATWORT n. a plant formerly considered a remedy for sore throats because of its throat-shaped corolla.
TILTROTORStiltrotors n. Plural of tiltrotor.
TILTROTOR n. an aircraft with rotors that can be tilted.
TOOTHWORTStoothworts n. Plural of toothwort.
TOOTHWORT n. a plant whose roots are fancied to resemble teeth, as certain plants of the genus Lathraea, and various species of Dentaria.
TORTUOSITYtortuosity n. Tortuousness#Noun; tortuous#Adjective condition or nature.
tortuosity n. Crookedness.
tortuosity n. (Physics) A property of curve being tortuous, commonly used to describe diffusion in porous media.
TROCTOLITEtroctolite n. (Geology) A rare type of ultramafic intrusive rock, consisting primarily of olivine and calcic plagioclase.
TROCTOLITE n. a coarse-grained basic igneous rock composed of feldspar speckled with olivine, aka troutstone.
TROOSTITEStroostites n. Plural of troostite.
TROOSTITE n. a reddish or greyish variety of willemite.
TROUTSTONETROUTSTONE n. a coarse-grained basic igneous rock composed of feldspar speckled with olivine, aka troctolite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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