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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing O, 2P, R and Y

APOCARPYapocarpy n. The quality of being apocarpous.
APOCARPY n. the state of being an apocarp.
APOSPORYapospory n. (Biology) The ability of a plant’s sporophytes to form a plant that looks like a gametophyte but has…
APOSPORY n. reproduction without spore formation.
HYPEROPEhyperope n. A farsighted person, a hyperopic person, a person with hyperopia.
HYPEROPE n. a farsighted person.
PAPERBOYpaperboy n. A male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round.
PAPERBOY n. a newsboy.
POLYPARYpolypary n. Polyparium.
POLYPARY n. the common supporting structure of a polyp colony.
POLYPOREpolypore n. Any of a group of tough, leathery poroid mushrooms similar to boletes but typically lacking a distinct stalk.
POLYPORE n. a fungus with pores.
PORPHYRYporphyry n. (Geology) a hard igneous rock consisting of large crystals in a fine-grained matrix.
Porphyry prop.n. A Tyrian Neoplatonic philosopher.
PORPHYRY n. (Greek) a very hard, variegated rock of a purple and white colour, used in sculpture.
PROMPTLYpromptly adv. In prompt manner; both soon and quickly.
PROMPT adv. done without delay.
PROPENYLpropenyl n. (Chemistry) A radical of propene (propylene).
PROPENYL n. a hydrocarbon radical related to propene.
PROPERLYproperly adv. In a proper manner, appropriately, suitably; correctly, justifiably.
properly adv. (Obsolete) individually; in one’s own manner.
properly adv. (Colloquial) Entirely; extremely; thoroughly.
PROPERTYproperty n. Something that is owned.
property n. A piece of real estate, such as a parcel of land.
property n. (Britain) Real estate; the business of selling houses.
PROPHECYprophecy n. A prediction, especially one made by a prophet or under divine inspiration.
prophecy n. The public interpretation of Scripture.
prophecy v. (Chiefly dated) Alternative form of prophesy.
PROPHESYprophesy v. To speak or write with divine inspiration; to act as prophet.
prophesy v. To predict, to foretell (with or without divine inspiration).
prophesy v. To foreshow; to herald; to prefigure.
PROPHYLLprophyll n. (Botany) The frequently specialised or reduced leaf produced at the first node of a new shoot.
PROPHYLL n. a small leaf on the axis of a flower.
PROPYLICpropylic adj. (Organic chemistry) propyl (attributive).
PROPYLIC adj. pertaining to, derived from, or containing, propyl.
PROPYLONpropylon n. (Architecture, historical) The porch, vestibule, or entrance of an edifice.
PROPYLON n. an entrance to a temple.
PROPYNESpropynes n. Plural of propyne.
PROPYNE n. a gaseous methyl acetylene.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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