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There are 17 eight-letter words containing O, 2P, R and U

EUROPOPSEUROPOP n. a form of simple yet infuriatingly catchy pop music, performed by European artists.
JUMPROPEjump␣rope n. (Uncountable) (also jump-roping, jumping rope) The activity, game or exercise in which a person must…
jump␣rope n. The length of rope, sometimes with handles, casing or other additions, used in that activity.
jump␣rope n. (Colloquial) A single jump in this game or activity, counted as a measure of achievement.
OPPUGNERoppugner n. Someone who oppugns; an opponent.
OPPUGNER n. one who oppugns.
OVERPUMPoverpump v. To pump excessively.
OVERPUMP v. to pump to excess.
PAUROPODpauropod n. (Zoology) Any myriapod in the class Pauropoda.
PAUROPOD n. a minute myriapod, a millepede or centipede.
POPULARSpopulars n. Plural of popular.
POPULAR n. something popular.
PROPOUNDpropound v. (Transitive) To put forward; to offer for discussion or debate.
PROPOUND v. to propose.
PROPRIUMproprium n. (Philosophy) A property that applies to all members of a species and only to them, serving to distinguish…
proprium n. (Theology) selfhood.
PROPRIUM n. an attribute belonging inseparably to every member of a species.
PURPORTSpurports v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of purport.
PURPORT v. to profess or proclaim.
PURPOSEDpurposed adj. Intentional, deliberate.
purposed adj. (Rare) Having a purpose or aim; determined.
purposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of purpose.
PURPOSESpurposes n. Plural of purpose.
purposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of purpose.
PURPOSE v. to intend to accomplish.
SUPERCOPsupercop n. (Informal) A highly skilled and dedicated member of the police.
SUPERCOP n. a superior police officer.
SUPERPROsuperpro n. Superprofessional.
SUPERPRO n. a superior professional.
SUPPORTSsupports n. Plural of support.
supports v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of support.
SUPPORT v. to hold up.
SUPPOSERsupposer n. One who supposes.
SUPPOSER n. one who supposes.
TRAPPOUStrappous adj. (Mineralogy) Of or relating to trap.
TRAPPOUS adj. pertaining to traprock, also TRAPPEAN, TRAPPOSE.
UNPROPERunproper adj. (Obsolete) Improper, not according with fact or reason; wrong, irregular.
unproper adj. (Now rare) Improper, not suited for its use or application; inappropriate.
unproper adj. (Obsolete) Not belonging to a given person; someone else’s.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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