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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 3O, R and U

DOLOROUSdolorous adj. Solemnly or ponderously sad.
DOLOROUS adj. full of pain or grief; doleful.
OUROLOGYourology n. Archaic form of urology.
OUROLOGY n. the study of urine or the urinary tract, also URINOLOGY, UROLOGY.
OUTDOORSoutdoors adv. Not inside a house or under covered structure; unprotected; in the open air.
outdoors n. (Often preceded by "the") The environment outside of enclosed structures.
outdoors n. (Often preceded by "the") The natural environment in the open air, countryside away from cities and buildings.
OUTROOPSoutroops n. Plural of outroop.
OUTROOP n. (obsolete) an auction sale, also OUTROPE.
OUTROOTSoutroots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outroot.
OUTROOT v. to pull up by the roots.
SONOROUSsonorous adj. Capable of giving out a deep, resonant sound.
sonorous adj. Full of sound and rich, as in language or verse.
sonorous adj. Wordy or grandiloquent.
SOPOROUSsoporous adj. Causing sleep; sleepy.
SOPOROUS adj. causing sleep; sleepy, also SOPOROSE.
SOURWOODsourwood n. A North American deciduous shrubby tree, of the genus Oxydendrum, having deep fissures in its bark…
sourwood n. An Australian tree, of the genus Hibiscus; the sorrel tree.
SOURWOOD n. the sorrel tree.
UROBOROSuroboros n. Alternative spelling of ouroboros.
UROBOROS n. a representation of a serpent with its tail in its mouth, symbolizing completion, totality, endlessness, etc., also OUROBOROS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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