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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing O, P, 2S and Y

GOSSIPYgossipy adj. Prone to gossip.
GOSSIPY adj. full of, or given to, gossip.
HYSSOPShyssops n. Plural of hyssop.
HYSSOP n. an aromatic bitter-tasting labiate herb native to the Mediterranean region.
MYOPSESmyopses n. Plural of myopsis.
MYOPS n. (Greek) a short-sighted person, also MYOPE.
OSPREYSospreys n. Plural of osprey.
OSPREY n. a bird of prey that feeds on fish.
PHYSIOSphysios n. Plural of physio.
PHYSIO n. (short for) physiotherapy.
POYSONSpoysons n. Plural of poyson.
POYSON v. (obsolete) to poison.
PSYCHOSpsychos n. Plural of psycho.
Psych-Os n. Plural of Psych-O.
PSYCHO n. a mentally unstable person.
PYROSESpyroses n. Plural of pyrosis.
PYROSIS n. (Greek) heartburn.
PYROSISpyrosis n. (Medicine) A burning sensation in the chest due to reflux of stomach contents in the esophagus.
PYROSIS n. (Greek) heartburn.
SHYPOOSSHYPOO n. (Australian slang) liquor of poor quality.
SKYPHOSskyphos n. A deep two-handled wine cup of Ancient Greece.
SKYPHOS n. (Greek) a drinking vessel used in ancient Greece.
STYLOPSstylops n. (Dated) Any insect in the order Strepsiptera, when the word is not capitalised. The capitalised word…
STYLOPS n. a genus of insects including parasitic wasps, also STYLOPID.
SYPHONSsyphons n. Plural of syphon.
syphons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of syphon.
SYPHON v. to draw off through a tube, also SIPHON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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