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There are 20 seven-letter words containing O, P, R and 2T

JETPORTjetport n. (Dated) An airport served by jet aircraft.
JETPORT n. an airport for jets.
OUTPARToutpart n. An outlying part.
OUTPART n. (obsolete) an outlying part.
OUTPORToutport n. A port city or harbor which is secondary to a main port; it may be a distant one or a nearby auxiliary one.
outport n. (Newfoundland, Labrador) Any city, town, or village having a port, other than the main port of St. John’s.
OUTPORT n. a port out of or remote from the chief port.
PATRIOTpatriot n. A person who loves and zealously supports and defends their country.
patriot n. (Archaic) A fellow countryman, a compatriot.
Patriot prop.n. (US, military) A surface-to-air missile system.
PLOTTERplotter n. A person who plots.
plotter n. (Computing) An output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper, sometimes using attached pens.
plotter n. (Navigation) An instrument used to mark or find the position of a vessel on a chart.
PORTATEportate adj. (Heraldry, of a cross) Borne diagonally athwart an escutcheon with the central column going from dexter…
PORTATE adj. in heraldry, in a carrying position.
PORTENTportent n. Something that portends an event about to occur, especially an unfortunate or evil event; an omen.
portent n. A portending; significance.
portent n. Something regarded as portentous; a marvel; prodigy.
POTTERSpotters n. Plural of potter.
Potters n. Plural of Potter.
POTTER v. to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also PUTTER.
POTTERYpottery n. Fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed.
pottery n. (Countable) A potter’s shop or workshop, where pottery is made.
pottery n. The potter’s craft or art: making vessels from clay.
POTTIERpottier adj. Comparative form of potty: more potty.
POTTY adj. crazy.
PROETTEproette n. (Golf, dated) A female professional golfer.
PROETTE n. a female golfing professional.
PROTECTprotect v. (Transitive, intransitive) To keep safe; to defend; to guard; to prevent harm coming to.
protect v. (Travel, aviation) To book a passenger on a later flight if there is a chance they will not be able…
PROTECT v. to shield from harm, attack or injury.
PROTESTprotest v. (Intransitive) To make a strong objection.
protest v. (Transitive) To affirm (something).
protest v. (Transitive, chiefly North America) To object to.
PROTISTprotist n. (Microbiology) Any of the eukaryotic unicellular organisms including protozoans, slime molds and some…
PROTIST n. one of the Protista, protozoans, algae, bacteria, and other forms not readily classified as plant or animal, also PROTISTAN.
PRUTOTHprutoth n. Plural of prutah.
PRUTAH n. (Hebrew) a monetary unit of Israel, also PRUTA.
SPOTTERspotter n. A person who observes something.
spotter n. A member of a sniper team who in addition to this function is responsible for providing additional information…
spotter n. (Weightlifting, gymnastics, climbing) One who supervises a person performing an activity, in order to…
TAPROOTtaproot n. (Botany) A long, tapering root possessed by many plants (such as carrots and dandelions).
TAPROOT n. the main root of a plant.
TREETOPtreetop n. The crown or uppermost branches of a tree.
TREETOP n. the top of a tree.
TRIMPOTTRIMPOT n. a small instrument for adjusting resistance or voltage.
TROPISTtropist n. One who uses or deals in tropes.
tropist n. One who avoids the literal meaning of the language of Scripture by explaining it as mere tropes and figures of speech.
TROPIST n. a user of tropes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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