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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2O, 2P and R

APPROOFapproof n. (Archaic) trial; proof; testimony; affirmation.
approof n. (Archaic) approval; commendation.
APPROOF n. (archaic) the act of proving; approbation.
APROPOSapropos adj. Of an appropriate or pertinent nature.
apropos adj. By the way, incidental.
apropos prep. Regarding or concerning.
DROPTOPdroptop n. Alternative form of drop top (“convertible car”).
drop␣top n. (Colloquial, US) A convertible car, the roof of which can be folded down to form an open-top vehicle.
DROPTOP n. a convertible automobile.
EUROPOPEuropop n. A style of continental European pop music from the 1970s and 1980s characterized by catchy beats, slick…
EUROPOP n. a form of simple yet infuriatingly catchy pop music, performed by European artists.
OPPOSERopposer n. One who opposes, one who shows opposition.
OPPOSER n. one who opposes.
POOPERSpoopers n. Plural of pooper.
POOPER n. as in party pooper, someone who spoils the fun.
POOPIERpoopier adj. Comparative form of poopy: more poopy.
POOPY adj. stupid or ineffectual.
POPCORNpopcorn n. (Chiefly uncountable) A snack food made from corn/maize kernels popped by dry heating.
popcorn n. (Chiefly uncountable) A type of maize with a hard outer hull that, along with the type of starch it…
popcorn n. (Knitting) A kind of stitch similar to a bobble.
POPOVERpopover n. (US) A light hollow muffin, resembling an individual Yorkshire pudding.
popover n. (Internet) A pop-up element that is rendered over the current web page rather than opening a new tab or window.
popover n. A kind of versatile wraparound dress.
PROPONEpropone v. (Transitive, Scotland) to propose or put forward for discussion or consideration.
PROPONE v. to propose, bring forward.
PROPOSEpropose v. (Transitive) To suggest a plan, course of action, etc.
propose v. (Intransitive, sometimes followed by to) To ask for a person’s hand in marriage.
propose v. (Transitive) To intend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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