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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing O, 2R, X and Y

DEXTRORSELYdextrorsely adv. In a dextrorse manner.
DEXTRORSE adv. rising spirally and turning to the left, also DEXTRORSAL.
EXHORTATORYexhortatory adj. Serving to exhort.
EXHORTATORY adj. using exhortation.
EXPLORATORYexploratory adj. Serving to explore or investigate.
exploratory n. An exploration or investigation.
EXPLORATORY adj. of, relating to, or being exploration.
EXPURGATORYexpurgatory adj. Serving to expurgate.
EXPURGATORY adj. tending to expurgate or purify, also EXPURGATORIAL.
EXTEMPORARYextemporary adj. Extemporaneous.
EXTEMPORARY adj. unpremeditated; esp. of prayer, discourse, composition, etc., also EXTEMPORANEOUS, EXTEMPORE.
EXTERIORITYexteriority n. Surface; externality.
EXTERIORITY n. the state of being exterior or exteriorized.
EXTIRPATORYextirpatory adj. Extirpative.
EXTIRPATORY adj. serving to extirpate, also EXTIRPATIVE.
EXTROVERTLYEXTROVERT adv. turning outwards, also EXTRAVERT.
HYDROTHORAXhydrothorax n. (Medicine) The presence of fluid in the pleural cavity.
HYDROTHORAX n. water liquid in the pleural cavity.
HYDROXYUREAhydroxyurea n. (Organic chemistry) The hydroxylated derivative of urea, NH2CO-NHOH, used as an antineoplastic drug;…
HYDROXYUREA n. a drug used to treat some forms of leukemia, melanoma, and malignant tumors.
HYPEROREXIAHYPEROREXIA n. compulsive overeating.
PYRRHULOXIApyrrhuloxia n. Cardinalis sinuatus (desert cardinal), a North American bird with grey and red plumage.
Pyrrhuloxia prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Fringillidae – certain birds similar to cardinals, notably…
PYRRHULOXIA n. a grey-and-pink crested bunting of Central and SW North America, with a short parrot-like bill.
XYLOGRAPHERxylographer n. A person who makes xylographs.
XYLOGRAPHER n. one who practises xylography, the art of making engravings on wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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