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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing O, P, R, U and X

AUXOTROPHICauxotrophic adj. (Biology) Describing a strain of organism that requires a specific metabolic substance that the parent…
AUXOTROPHIC adj. requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
EXCULPATORYexculpatory adj. Tending to excuse or clear of wrongdoing.
EXCULPATORY adj. tending or serving to clear from alleged fault or guilt.
EXPURGATIONexpurgation n. The act of expurgating, purging, or cleansing; purification from anything noxious, offensive, sinful, or erroneous.
EXPURGATION n. the act of expurgating.
EXPURGATORSexpurgators n. Plural of expurgator.
EXPURGATOR n. one who expurgates.
EXPURGATORYexpurgatory adj. Serving to expurgate.
EXPURGATORY adj. tending to expurgate or purify, also EXPURGATORIAL.
ISOXSUPRINEisoxsuprine n. A drug used as a vasodilator in humans and equines.
ISOXSUPRINE n. a drug which dilates blood vessels, used to inhibit contractions in premature labour and in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.
MULTIPLEXORmultiplexor n. Alternative spelling of multiplexer.
MULTIPLEXOR n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXER.
PARADOXURESparadoxures n. Plural of paradoxure.
PARADOXURE n. a civetlike animal of South Asia.
PROLOCUTRIXprolocutrix n. (Obsolete) A female prolocutor; a spokeswoman.
PROLOCUTRIX n. a spokesman, a chairwoman, esp. of the lower house of Convocation.
PROSECUTRIXprosecutrix n. A female prosecutor.
prosecutrix n. A female victim of a crime on whose behalf the state is prosecuting a suspect.
PROSECUTRIX n. a female prosecutor.
PYRRHULOXIApyrrhuloxia n. Cardinalis sinuatus (desert cardinal), a North American bird with grey and red plumage.
Pyrrhuloxia prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Fringillidae – certain birds similar to cardinals, notably…
PYRRHULOXIA n. a grey-and-pink crested bunting of Central and SW North America, with a short parrot-like bill.
REEXPOSURESreexposures n. Plural of reexposure.
REEXPOSURE n. a new exposure.
SUPEROXIDESsuperoxides n. Plural of superoxide.
SUPEROXIDE n. a peroxide, an oxide with the highest proportion of oxygen.
UNDEREXPOSEunderexpose v. (Photography) To take a photograph using too small an exposure.
underexpose v. To provide with insufficient publicity.
underexpose adj. (Photography) The condition when a photograph is darker than it should be because the film was not exposed…
XEROPHILOUSxerophilous adj. Able to thrive in dry weather.
XEROPHILOUS adj. drought loving, particularly pertaining to plants.
XIPHOSURANSxiphosurans n. Plural of xiphosuran.
XIPHOSURAN n. a member of the Xiphosura.
XYLOCARPOUSxylocarpous adj. Bearing fruit that becomes hard or woody.
XYLOCARPOUS adj. having woody fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 31 words

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