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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 3O, R and Z

PROTOZOANSprotozoans n. Plural of protozoan.
PROTOZOAN n. any member of the Protozoa, also PROTOZOON.
PROTOZOONSPROTOZOON n. any member of the Protozoa, also PROTOZOAN.
SPOROZOANSsporozoans n. Plural of sporozoan.
SPOROZOAN n. any parasitic protozoan of the class Sporozoa, including the causal organisms of malaria and pebrine, also SPOROZOON.
SPOROZOITEsporozoite n. (Cytology) Any of the minute active bodies into which a sporozoan divides just before it infects a new host cell.
SPOROZOITE n. a minute, mobile, preadult spore developed by sporozoans.
ZOOCHORIESZOOCHORY n. the condition of being dispersed by animals.
ZOOCHOROUSzoochorous adj. Of or relating to zoochores.
ZOOCHOROUS adj. of seeds or spores spread by animals.
ZOOLATROUSzoolatrous adj. Animal-worshipping.
ZOOLATROUS adj. relating to zoolatry, the worship of animals.
ZOOMORPHICzoomorphic adj. Having the shape, form, or likeness of an animal.
zoömorphic adj. Alternative spelling of zoomorphic.
ZOOMORPHIC adj. having the form of an animal; of, relating to, or being a deity conceived of in animal form or with animal attributes.
ZOOSPOROUSzoosporous adj. Relating to zoospores.
ZOOSPOROUS adj. of or like a zoospore, a swarm-spore.
ZOOSTEROLSzoosterols n. Plural of zoosterol.
ZOOSTEROL n. a sterol, such as cholesterol, of animal origin.
ZOOTROPHICzootrophic adj. (Physiology) Of or pertaining to the nourishment of animals.
zoötrophic adj. Alternative form of zootrophic.
ZOOTROPHIC adj. of or pertaining to the nourishment of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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