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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 4O and R

BLOODROOTSbloodroots n. Plural of bloodroot.
BLOODROOT n. a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka puccoon, redroot.
DOORNBOOMSDOORNBOOM n. (South African) a kind of acacia tree.
HOROLOGIONhorologion n. A liturgical book in the Eastern Church, containing the daily offices corresponding to the Western breviary.
KOMONDOROKKomondorok n. Plural of Komondor.
KOMONDOR n. (Hungarian) a large, shaggy-coated dog.
LOCOMOTORSlocomotors n. Plural of locomotor.
LOCOMOTOR n. a muscle involved in movement or locomotion.
LOCOMOTORYlocomotory adj. Of or pertaining to locomotion.
LOCOMOTORY adj. relating to locomotion.
OCULOMOTORoculomotor adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to movement of the eyeball.
oculomotor adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the oculomotor nerve.
OCULOMOTOR adj. relating to or causing movements of the eye.
OMOPHORIONomophorion n. A band of brocade originally of wool decorated with crosses and worn on the neck and around the shoulders…
OMOPHORION n. an Eastern bishop's vestment like the pallium.
PROOFROOMSPROOFROOM n. a room where proofs are set up.
PROTOZOONSPROTOZOON n. any member of the Protozoa, also PROTOZOAN.
SCHOOLROOMschoolroom n. A classroom, a room in a school used for instruction.
SCHOOLROOM n. a classroom.
ZOOCHOROUSzoochorous adj. Of or relating to zoochores.
ZOOCHOROUS adj. of seeds or spores spread by animals.
ZOOSPOROUSzoosporous adj. Relating to zoospores.
ZOOSPOROUS adj. of or like a zoospore, a swarm-spore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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