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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2O, S and X

EXOPODSexopods n. Plural of exopod.
EXOPOD n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPODITE.
HOMOSEXhomosex n. (Sexuality) Homosexual sexual intercourse.
HOMOSEX n. (short for) homosexuality.
NOXIOUSnoxious adj. Harmful; injurious.
NOXIOUS adj. harmful to health.
OXFORDSoxfords n. Plural of oxford.
Oxfords n. Plural of Oxford.
OXFORD n. a soft durable plain-woven cotton.
OXYSOMEoxysome n. (Biology) One of the small round bodies found in the folds of the cristae in the inner mitochondrial…
OXYSOME n. a structural unit of cellular cristae.
POSTBOXpostbox n. Alternative spelling of post box.
post-box n. Alternative spelling of post box.
post␣box n. A box in which post can be left by a sender to be picked up by a courier or postman (postal worker).
SHOEBOXshoebox n. The box in which shoes are sold.
shoebox n. (Derogatory) A small, cramped residence or similar space.
shoe␣box n. Alternative form of shoebox.
SHOWBOXshowbox n. Alternative form of show box.
show␣box n. A box containing an object or objects, carried or transported round as a show.
SHOWBOX n. a showman's box.
SOAPBOXsoapbox n. (Literally) A crate for packing soap.
soapbox n. (Figuratively) Any physical or media platform which gives prominence to the person on it and the views they espouse.
soapbox n. (Figuratively) A talk about one’s pet topic (or the topic itself), especially when only tangentially…
SONOVOXSONOVOX n. a sound effects device.
TOXOIDStoxoids n. Plural of toxoid.
TOXOID n. a toxin treated to reduce toxicity and used in immunisation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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