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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 7 seven-letter words containing 2O, R and X

BOXROOMboxroom n. A storeroom, usually upstairs, for boxes and other items.
box␣room n. A small bedroom in a house, often used for storage.
BOXROOM n. a room for storing boxes.
FOXTROTfoxtrot n. A ballroom dance with a slow-slow-quick-quick rhythm.
foxtrot n. A pace with short steps, as in changing from trotting to walking.
foxtrot n. (International standards) Alternative letter-case form of Foxtrot from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.
OXFORDSoxfords n. Plural of oxford.
Oxfords n. Plural of Oxford.
OXFORD n. a soft durable plain-woven cotton.
OXYMORAoxymora n. Plural of oxymoron.
OXYMORON n. (Greek) a self-contradictory expression.
POORBOXpoorbox n. Alternative form of poor box.
poor␣box n. A locked box with a slot for depositing coins into, usually placed in churches to accept donations for the needy.
POORBOX n. a box, esp. one in a church, used for the collection of alms or money for the poor.
PROXIMOproximo adv. Of next month.
proximo- pref. ISV combining form denoting proximal location or vector.
PROXIMO adj. (Latin) of or occurring in the following month.
WORKBOXworkbox n. A toolbox; a container for the items needed to carry out a task.
workbox n. (Figurative) A set of skills and approaches.
WORKBOX n. a bag for holding work materials, also WORKBAG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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