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There are 15 six-letter words containing O, R, V and Y

AVOWRYavowry n. (Law) The act of avowing and justifying in one’s own right the distraining of goods.
avowry n. (Historical) A form of medieval patronage in which colonial tenants, often from criminal backgrounds…
avowry n. (Ecclesiastical) Advowson, the right to appoint to a benefice or office.
AVOYERavoyer n. (Obsolete or historical) A chief magistrate of a free imperial city or canton of Switzerland.
AVOYER n. (French) a chief magistrate of a free imperial city or canton of Switzerland.
COVARYcovary v. (Statistics) To vary together with another variable, particularly in a way that may be predictive.
COVARY v. to vary mean values.
DYVOURDYVOUR n. (Scots) a bankrupt.
GROOVYgroovy adj. Of, pertaining to, or having grooves.
groovy adj. (Dated) Set in one’s ways.
groovy adj. (Dated, slang) Cool, neat, interesting, fashionable.
OVERBYoverby adv. (Archaic) A little way over.
Overby prop.n. A surname.
OVERBY adv. (Scots) a little way over, also OWERBY.
OVERLYoverly adv. (Sometimes proscribed) To an excessive degree.
overly adv. (Obsolete) Superficially.
overly adv. (Obsolete) Carelessly, without due attention.
RENVOYrenvoy n. (Obsolete) A sending back.
renvoy v. (Obsolete) To send back.
RENVOY n. the sending back by a government of an alien to his or her own country, also RENVOI.
SAVORYsavory adj. Tasty, attractive to the palate.
savory adj. Salty and/or spicy, but not sweet.
savory adj. Umami, modern.
VAPORYvapory adj. Resembling vapor; vaporous.
vapory adj. Characterized by the presence of vapor; full of, or obscured by, vapor.
VAPORY adj. full of vapors; vaporous, also VAPOURY.
VERDOYverdoy adj. (Heraldry) Charged with leaves, fruits, flowers, etc.; said of a border.
VERDOY n. (French) in heraldry, a floral ornament.
VOLARYvolary n. Alternative form of volery.
VOLARY n. an aviary.
VOLERYvolery n. A flock of birds.
volery n. An aviary.
VOLERY n. a large bird cage.
VOTARYvotary adj. Consecrated by a vow or promise; consequent on a vow; devoted; promised.
votary n. A person, such as a monk or nun, who lives a religious life according to vows they have made.
votary n. A devotee of a particular religion or cult.
VOYEURvoyeur n. A person who derives sexual pleasure from secretly observing other people, especially when such people…
voyeur n. An obsessive observer of sensational or sordid subjects.
VOYEUR n. (French) one who seeks sexual gratification by viewing sexual objects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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