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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing O, R, S and Z

CROZEScrozes n. Plural of croze.
CROZE n. a tool used in barrel-making, also CROZER.
DOZERSdozers n. Plural of dozer.
DOZER n. one who dozes.
GROSZEgrosze n. Plural of grosz.
GROSZ n. (Polish) a Polish monetary unit, 1/100 of a zloty.
GROSZYgroszy n. Plural of grosz.
GROSZ n. (Polish) a Polish monetary unit, 1/100 of a zloty.
RAZOOSrazoos n. Plural of razoo.
RAZOO n. (Australian slang) an imaginary coin, as in not worth a brass razoo.
RAZORSrazors n. Plural of razor.
Razors prop.n. Plural of Razor.
RAZOR v. to shave with a sharp instrument.
ROZETSROZET v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZIT.
ROZITSROZIT v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZET.
SEIZORseizor n. (Law) One who seizes or takes possession.
SEIZOR n. one that takes seizing, also SEISOR.
VIZORSvizors n. Plural of vizor.
VIZOR v. to provide with a projecting brim, also VISOR.
ZEROESzeroes n. Plural of zero.
zeroes n. (Rare) The decade of the 1800s, 1900s, 2000s, etc. The noughties. The 2000s.
zeroes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of zero.
ZONERSzoners n. Plural of zoner.
ZONER n. one who zones.
ZORILSzorils n. Plural of zoril.
ZORIL n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORILLA, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.
ZORROSzorros n. Plural of zorro.
Zorros n. Plural of Zorro.
ZORRO n. (Spanish) a kind of South American fox.
ZOSTERzoster n. (Countable) An ancient Greek waist-belt for men.
zoster n. (Uncountable, pathology) The disease called herpes zoster (from the typically beltlike pattern of its rash); shingles.
ZOSTER n. (Greek) an ancient Greek waistbelt for men.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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