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There are 19 six-letter words containing O, 2P and Y

CHOPPYchoppy adj. (Of the surface of water) Having many small, rough waves.
choppy adj. Discontinuous, intermittent.
choppy adj. (Of wind) Shifting, variable.
CROPPYcroppy n. (Historical, slang, derogatory) An Irish republican rebel.
CROPPY n. an Irish rebel of 1798.
FLOPPYfloppy adj. Limp, not hard, firm, or rigid; flexible.
floppy n. (Computing, dated) A floppy disk.
floppy n. (Military slang, Rhodesia, South Africa) An insurgent in the Rhodesian Bush War, called as such for…
GLOPPYgloppy adj. (Informal) gooey and viscous.
GLOPPY adj. being or resembling glop.
GYPPOSgyppos n. Plural of gyppo.
JOYPOPjoypop v. (Slang) To use drugs recreationally without becoming addicted.
JOYPOP v. to use habit-forming drugs occasionally.
MAYPOPmaypop n. A type of passionflower, purple in color (Passiflora incarnata).
MAYPOP n. the edible fruit of a passion flower, an oval yellowish berry as large as a small apple.
POLYPEpolype n. Archaic form of polyp.
POLYPE n. (obsolete) an octopus or cuttlefish, later extended to various other marine animals, also POLYP, POULP, POULPE.
POLYPIpolypi n. Plural of polypus.
POLYPUS n. (Latin) a growth protruding from the mucous lining to an organ.
POLYPSpolyps n. Plural of polyp.
POLYP n. an octopus or cuttlefish, later extended to various other marine animals, also POLYPE, POULP, POULPE.
POMPEYPompey prop.n. (Historical) A military and political leader of the late Roman Republic.
Pompey prop.n. (Slang) The city of Portsmouth.
Pompey prop.n. (Slang, soccer) Portsmouth Football Club.
POPJOYPOPJOY v. to amuse oneself.
POPPLYpopply adj. Choppy; bubbling; turbulent.
POPPLY adj. like a rippling sound.
PROPYLpropyl n. (Organic chemistry) Either of two isomeric univalent hydrocarbon radicals, C3H7, formally derived from…
PROPYL n. a univalent radical regarded as the essential residue of propane and related compounds.
PSYOPSpsyops n. Techniques used by military and police forces to influence the beliefs, emotions and behaviour of citizens.
psy-ops n. Alternative form of psyops.
PSYOP n. (short for) psychological operation (in warfare).
PYROPEpyrope n. (Mineralogy) A variety of garnet, of a poppy or blood-red color, frequently with a tinge of orange…
PYROPE n. (Greek) a fiery red gemstone, a variety of garnet, also PYROPUS.
SHOPPYshoppy adj. (Dated) Inclined to talk shop; full of jargon.
shoppy adj. (Rare) Of the kind or quality expected from a shop.
shoppy adj. (Colloquial, dated) Abounding with shops.
SLOPPYsloppy adj. Very wet; covered in or composed of slop.
sloppy adj. Messy; not neat, elegant, or careful.
sloppy adj. Imprecise or loose.
YOPPERyopper n. (Informal) A person employed under the Youth Opportunities Programme in Britain in the 1980s.
YOPPER n. a young person employed through a youth employment programme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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