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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing O, 2P and U

HOPPUShoppus n. A unit of measure of volume equal to 1.273 cubic feet or 2,200 cubic inches. Used in the British Empire…
Hoppus prop.n. A surname.
HOPPUS adj. as in hoppus foot, a unit of volume for round timber.
HUPPOThuppot n. Plural of huppah.
HUPPAH n. (Hebrew) a wedding canopy, also CHUPPA, CHUPPAH.
OPPUGNoppugn v. (Transitive, rare) To contradict or controvert; to oppose; to challenge or question the truth or validity…
OPPUGN v. to assail with argument.
POPGUNpopgun n. Alternative spelling of pop gun.
pop␣gun n. A toy gun that emits a loud pop by firing a cork from a barrel in which a piston slides, compressing…
pop␣gun n. A firearm of unimpressive appearance.
POPOUTpopout n. (Baseball) A pop fly that is caught in flight, resulting in an out.
popout n. (Graphical user interface) A user interface element that opens a small separate section in front of the main content.
popout n. (Surfing) A cheap surfboard manufactured from a mold.
POULPEpoulpe n. (Archaic) An octopus.
POULPE n. (French) the octopus, also POLYP, POLYPE, POULP.
POULPSpoulps n. Plural of poulp.
POULP n. the octopus, also POLYP, POLYPE, POULPE.
POUPEDPOUPE v. (obsolete) to befool, to cozen, also POOP.
POUPESPOUPE v. (obsolete) to befool, to cozen, also POOP.
UNPOPEunpope v. (Obsolete) To divest of the character, office, or authority of a pope.
unpope v. (Obsolete) To deprive of a pope.
UNPOPE v. to divest of popedom.
UNPROPunprop v. (Transitive) To remove a prop or props from; to deprive of support.
UNPROP v. to remove the props from.
UPPROPupprop v. (Transitive, obsolete) To prop up.
UPPROP v. to prop up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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