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There are 18 six-letter words containing 2O, T and Y

COONTYcoonty n. Alternative form of coontie.
COONTY n. (Native American) an American plant related to the cycads, also COONTIE.
COYOTEcoyote n. Canis latrans, a species of canine native to North America.
coyote n. (US, informal) A smuggler of undocumented immigrants across the land border from Latin America into…
coyote v. To prospect for gold by manually digging holes into overlying earth, as into a hillside.
FOOTSYfootsy n. Alternative form of footsie.
FOOTSY n. a flirting game played with the feet, also FOOTSIE.
MOTORYmotory adj. Causing or setting up motion.
motory adj. (Biology) Relating to organs of motion.
MOTORY adj. conveying motion.
OOCYSToocyst n. (Mycology, archaic) A reproductive cell in certain fungi.
oocyst n. (Biology) A thick-walled spore in the lifecycle of some parasitic protozoans, that develops into sporozoite.
OOCYST n. an encysted form of some sporozoan zygotes.
OOCYTEoocyte n. (Cytology) A cell that develops into an egg or ovum; a female gametocyte.
oöcyte n. Alternative spelling of oocyte.
OOCYTE n. an ovum before it matures and begins to divide.
OSTOMYostomy n. (Surgery) A surgical procedure to provide an exit point for the waste of an organism.
ostomy n. (Medicine) An exit point created by such surgical procedure.
-ostomy suff. Alternative form of -stomy.
POTBOYpotboy n. A boy employed as waiter to serve (pots of) drinks, as in a tavern.
potboy n. (Britain) A boy or man employed in a public house to collect empty pots or glasses.
pot␣boy n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of potboy.
PTOOEYptooey interj. The sound of spitting.
PTOOEY interj. an imitation of the sound of someone spitting, also PTUI.
ROOTSYrootsy adj. (Colloquial) Unadorned; suggestive of earlier times.
ROOTSY adj. reminiscent of folk styles.
SNOOTYsnooty adj. (Informal) Pompous; snobbish; inclined to turn up one’s nose.
snooty adj. (Informal) Elite; exclusive.
Snooty prop.n. A surname.
STOOLYstooly n. Alternative spelling of stoolie.
STOOLY n. (US) an informant for the police, also STOOLIE.
TOMBOYtomboy n. A girl who behaves in a typically boyish manner.
tomboy n. (Philippines, colloquial) A lesbian; butch.
tom␣boy n. Alternative spelling of tomboy.
TOOTHYtoothy adj. Having prominent teeth.
TOOTHY adj. having prominent teeth.
TOOTSYtootsy n. Alternative form of tootsie.
TOOTSY n. (US) a sweetheart, also TOOTSIE.
TOYBOXtoybox n. A box for storing toys.
TOYBOX n. a box for toys.
TOYONStoyons n. Plural of toyon.
TOYON n. (Spanish) an ornamental evergreen shrub.
TYCOONtycoon n. A wealthy and powerful business person.
tycoon n. A type of Roblox game in which players earn money which is then used to purchase upgrades.
TYCOON n. a wealthy and powerful business person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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