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There are 11 six-letter words containing 2O, R and Z

BOOZERboozer n. (Colloquial) One who drinks habitually; a drunkard.
boozer n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A public house, pub.
boozer n. (UK, military, obsolete) A World War II fighter radar detector, fitted to British bombers.
BORZOIborzoi n. A dog of a particular breed, similar in shape to a greyhound but with longer silkier hair.
BORZOI n. (Russian) a kind of wolfhound.
COROZOcorozo n. Any of several Central American palms.
corozo n. The nut produced by these trees.
COROZO n. (Spanish) a short-stemmed South American palm.
DOOZERdoozer n. Alternative form of doozy.
DOOZER n. an extraordinary one of its kind, also DOOZIE, DOOZY.
HUZOORhuzoor n. (Dated, India) A potentate (often used as a term of respect).
HUZOOR n. (Urdu) an Indian potentate, a title used by Indians in respectful address.
OOZIERoozier adj. Comparative form of oozy: more oozy.
OOZY adj. oozing.
RAZOOSrazoos n. Plural of razoo.
RAZOO n. (Australian slang) an imaginary coin, as in not worth a brass razoo.
REBOZOrebozo n. A woman’s garment of Mexico, a rectangular piece of fabric worn as a scarf or shawl and sometimes used…
REBOZO n. (Spanish) a long scarf worn chiefly by Mexican women.
ZOOIERzooier adj. Comparative form of zooey: more zooey.
ZOOEY adj. like a zoo.
ZORINOzorino n. (Dated) skunk fur used to make clothing.
ZORINO n. (Spanish) a euphemism for skunk fur as used to make garments.
ZORROSzorros n. Plural of zorro.
Zorros n. Plural of Zorro.
ZORRO n. (Spanish) a kind of South American fox.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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