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There are 13 six-letter words containing 2O and 2P

DOPPIOdoppio adj. Having two shots of espresso.
doppio n. Two shots of espresso.
DOPPIO n. (Italian) a double measure of espresso coffee.
JOYPOPjoypop v. (Slang) To use drugs recreationally without becoming addicted.
JOYPOP v. to use habit-forming drugs occasionally.
OPPOSEoppose v. To attempt to stop the progression of; to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc…
oppose v. To object to.
oppose v. To present or set up in opposition; to pose.
PIOPIOpiopio n. Either of two extinct passerine songbirds of New Zealand comprising the genus Turnagra: the North Island…
PIOPIO n. (Maori) a New Zealand thrush, thought to be extinct.
POEPOLPOEPOL n. (vulgar South African) the anus.
POMPOMpompom n. A decorative ball made of pieces of soft fabric bound at the centre, most notably used in cheerleading.
pom-pom n. (Military) A rapid-firing small-calibre cannon used especially as an anti-aircraft gun.
pom-pom n. Alternative spelling of pompom.
POMPONpompon n. A bundle of yarn, string, ribbon, etc. tied in the middle and left loose at the ends, so as to form…
pompon n. A hardy garden chrysanthemum with button-like flower heads.
pompon n. Any of several dwarf varieties of the Provence rose.
POOPEDpooped adj. (Slang) Tired; exhausted.
pooped adj. (Nautical) Fitted or furnished with a poop.
pooped adj. (Nautical) Having had a wave come over the stern from abaft.
POOPERpooper n. (Vulgar, slang) The anus; often in reference to anal intercourse.
pooper n. (In the term party pooper) One who poops out on an activity; one who dampens the mood by lack of participation…
pooper n. (Gambling) A selection in a slot machine game that ends the picking bonus.
POPJOYPOPJOY v. to amuse oneself.
POPOUTpopout n. (Baseball) A pop fly that is caught in flight, resulting in an out.
popout n. (Graphical user interface) A user interface element that opens a small separate section in front of the main content.
popout n. (Surfing) A cheap surfboard manufactured from a mold.
POSTOPpostop adj. Alternative form of post-op.
postop n. Alternative form of post-op.
post-op adj. Happening after an operation.
TROPPOtroppo adj. (Australia, slang, with go) Crazy, mad, strangely behaving; especially as attributed to hot weather.
TROPPO adv. (Italian) in music, too much.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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