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There are 8 five-letter words containing O, 2T and U

CUTTOcutto n. Alternative form of cuttoe.
CUTTO n. a large knife, also CUTTOE.
OUTTAoutta prep. (Colloquial, US) Out of.
OUTTA prep. an informal contraction of out of, also OUTA.
PUTTOputto n. (Art) A representation, especially in Renaissance or Baroque art, of a small, naked, often winged (usually…
put␣to v. To ask or pose a question, or make a proposal or suggestion.
PUTTO n. (Italian) an artistic representation of a cherub.
STOUTstout adj. Large; bulky.
stout adj. (Obsolete) Bold, strong-minded.
stout adj. (Obsolete) Proud; haughty.
TATOUtatou n. The giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus).
TATOU n. (French) an armadillo, esp. the giant armadillo.
TOUTStouts n. Plural of tout.
touts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tout.
TOUT v. to solicit brazenly.
TROUTtrout n. Any of several species of fish in Salmonidae, closely related to salmon, and distinguished by spawning more than once.
trout n. (Britain, derogatory) An objectionable elderly woman.
trout v. (Internet chat) To (figuratively) slap someone with a slimy, stinky, wet trout; to admonish jocularly.
TUTORtutor n. One who teaches another (usually called a student, learner, or tutee) in a one-on-one or small-group interaction.
tutor n. (UK) A university officer responsible for students in a particular hall.
tutor n. (Obsolete or Quebec law) One who has the charge of a child or pupil and his estate; a guardian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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